COUNTRY Financial



Anyone know about Country Financial? Specifically how they treat their agents and how their products compare to other insurance companies.
How they treat their agents is going to depend on who is your manager. A s hit company can have a great guy as manager and and great company can have an as shole as boss.

I know a long time agent who went to work for them and he's loved it and hated it at times. Mostly, he's glad he made the move. There have been some trust issues that popped up along the way, but overall I think he likes it.

His salemanager went from OK guy to dick over a couple years though. It seems they have production issues on certain products for management overrides.... When he thought his boss was being straight with him, it was really about a management bonus...

Advice to anyone going into this field. Working for a quality company is always important, but more important than that is who immediately is over you. If they're an a hole, no matter how good the company is, you'll hate it.