Coventry Medicare Advantage - Non Payment of New Commissions

If Coventry's profits are down 65 % I wouldn't look to get paid on anything for awhile. I don't think their sittuation going to get any better any time soon.
If Coventry's profits are down 65 % I wouldn't look to get paid on anything for awhile. I don't think their sittuation going to get any better any time soon.

I understand what you are saying and it seems to be the case for anyone writing Coventry MA or PDP through them. But in my situation and Russ's and anyone else who wrote PDPs through MoO or other companies, it doesnt apply.

MoO informed me they were paid on all PDPs through Coventry in late January (Coventry pays them, they pay producer), so unless what they got and what they owe dont match, they (MoO) are the ones sitting on money.
Ditto for me. Wrote 20 more PDP's with Coventry during OE that I hadn't been paid on and still haven't thanks to either...Coventry or M of O. I got my commission statement yesterday. Says I'm not appointed/contracted to get my commission + the renewals I'm owed on the other 75-100 that folks have had with me.

Of the 20 new PDP's, only 15 showed up on the commission statement. So I call Coventry...the other 5 are in force and still active. You think Coventry needs help in commission accounting?

And all for a whopping $22.08 per application! Six of those 20 are first time PDP buyers. I wonder if I'll get the balance of first-year commissions before 2010?

AARP has already paid me on all PDP's I wrote with them + first year on the one's I was owed on. need help. I need help for being stupid enough to believe I would get my money April 24th, as promised.

One other note...I couldn't log on to M of O's website yesterday, so I called them. I was told they were having technical issues, which they resolved around dinner time. Last night I checked my emails and I had gotten one from M of O letting me know their website's issues were corrected around 12:37 pm yesterday.

Why no email on the appointment/contracting dilemma w/Coventry before I found out when I called last Thursday to get my commission total? Why no email from M of O after I had faxed in my proof of being appointed and certified with Coventry? Thanks M of O. You need to do a better job informing agents. Like...providing all of them with commission schedules for the upcoming year, BEFORE finding out the last Thursday in December, when I called to get my weekly total, that there would be no commission paid that week.

Got this email yesterday from United Healthcare.....

Part D Stand-Alone Commission Delay
Due to a system problem at our third party processor, there is a delay in Part D Stand-Alone commission payments and statements for May 1, 2009. Currently, we are estimating that these payments will be sent no later than Monday, May 4, 2009.
We appreciate your patience.

Why couldn't MoO send one last week with the "problems" they were and still are having?

There's your difference!
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