Critique My Website

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"By investing in insurance you are giving your family the gift of protection and peace of mind."

In some states you would probably not want to use the term "invest" in the same sentence with "insurance." Some DOIs get antsy about that kind of wording, but perhaps it is fine in VA. That said you are just asking for some guy with a 7 and/or 63 to write a letter to some regulatory agency somewhere claiming you are "offering" investments without a license... and it will be a time-sink for you to deal with.

Get a better, more "professional looking" pix of yourself... you have sort of a deer-in-the-headlights kind of look in this pix!

I can be found here.
"By investing in insurance you are giving your family the gift of protection and peace of mind."

In some states you would probably not want to use the term "invest" in the same sentence with "insurance." Some DOIs get antsy about that kind of wording, but perhaps it is fine in VA. That said you are just asking for some guy with a 7 and/or 63 to write a letter to some regulatory agency somewhere claiming you are "offering" investments without a license... and it will be a time-sink for you to deal with.

Get a better, more "professional looking" pix of yourself... you have sort of a deer-in-the-headlights kind of look in this pix!

I can be found here.

I agree, I am changing the wording of that sentance now. I don't want to have to worry about that.

Also, I agree the picture is pretty bad. I will see if I can find a better one.
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Are you related to Woody Harrelson?

Not that I know of :D
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the picture is pretty bad. I will see if I can find a better one.

You could use this one.

The website is nice. A few things I would change maybe the green header kind of strong color. You might want to go with baby blue or silver. The picture is a bit strong. You might want to have video about the importance of life insurance for protection. Good luck.
I updated those two things.

I hope to get a nice professional picture soon when my profits start coming in.

Thanks for the help thus far!
