Digital BGA - experience and telemarketing leads?

So the lead cost is still $12 /each.
Avg premium $800.
Avg closing ratio 6%.

So using 100 leads to keep it simple.

The avg should be:
- $1,200 lead cost
- 6 apps at $800 avg
- $4,800 revenue
- $3,600 net
- avg client acquisition cost $200 ($1,200 / 6)

Where do you get the $72 - $87 client cost from?

Are my numbers off?
The $72-$87 client cost in that case came from the screenshot agent example...not the average.
The $72-$87 client cost in that case came from the screenshot agent example...not the average.

Good point. I missed that.

The numbers on those examples are not averages, so the $80ish cost per client is not the norm.

I don't know if they are on the extreme end of production (about 15% closing rate).

Average may also not be accurate.
Median is a better stat than average.

A few people on either extreme can throw off the average.
The median (middle) is a better stat.
Good point. I missed that.

The numbers on those examples are not averages, so the $80ish cost per client is not the norm.

I don't know if they are on the extreme end of production (about 15% closing rate).

Average may also not be accurate.
Median is a better stat than average.

A few people on either extreme can throw off the average.
The median (middle) is a better stat.


But when I see stats like that quoted, I expect to be at the top.

So if I were looking for other opportunities, I look would look at what the best are doing because that's what I strive to do.

I don't care about the median because who wants to be there?
Heck if that Anthony guy who writes millions via phone is with Digitalbga, he has to be there for reason.

Yeah, I would probably buy whatever he wanted me to without hesitation.

I agree. If I were doing telesales, I would definitely go with them. Heck if that Anthony guy who writes millions via phone is with Digitalbga, he has to be there for reason.

Anthony is legit a stand up guy. He's really successful because he put in a ton of work (and I mean, more than most people would) in his site...

He's a champ and just how I've seen him interact with other agents (and stories I've heard...) He's an inspiration.