Does Anyone Solely Rely on Their Website to Sell Insurance?

Re: Does Anyone Solely Rely on Thier Website to Sell Insurance?

@Alston - Very true and informative information you are sharing my friend. Alston proves it first, and then talks - if more did that though the posts would shrink by 2/3
Re: Does Anyone Solely Rely on Thier Website to Sell Insurance?

Thanks for taking the time to respond to the post Alston, some good ideas for us to work on. I'd love to get to that point, as I'm sure everyone would. Back to the basics, but now more refined for me!
Re: Does Anyone Solely Rely on Thier Website to Sell Insurance?

You probably mean "you're full of it."

Hey Putz, I really dont give a **** about my spelling on here so kiss my ass
Re: Does Anyone Solely Rely on Thier Website to Sell Insurance?

Hey Putz, I really dont give a **** about my spelling on here so kiss my ass

whoa whoa there now, Alston seems like a nice guy who has given out a lot of great free seo advice, no need for that kind of language, put some cold fizzy water on that hot head of yours...

chill brah
Re: Does Anyone Solely Rely on Thier Website to Sell Insurance?

Just wow. Alston is giving good advice there, that is 100% correct, and I'm sure he takes referrals.

No reason to be an asshat.
Re: Does Anyone Solely Rely on Thier Website to Sell Insurance?

I'm sure he takes referrals.

I do accept and encourage referrals. I do a little direct mail. I do tons of telemarketing.

With one exception, all of my non-web marketing efforts have - for at least 6 years - been remarketing efforts that target people who initially visited my site.

The only exception to that rule is when an insurance company has given me advertising dollars through a co-op or similar program and that program tied my hands.

We get over 20 completed lead forms each day M-F and about half of that on the weekends. This means that I have a branded and very targeted list to remarket to.

It would be just plain stupid to send direct mail to or telemarket another list unless we have exhausted the potential in that list. Since we only have one and a half agents (I'm only a part-time agent), we never take full advantage of the leads we get.
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Re: Does Anyone Solely Rely on Thier Website to Sell Insurance?

wow Alston! 10-30 SEO leads a day is very impressive. that's about what I get all week, and only part of it is SEO.

but I am surprised to see a "greeter" on Alston's site. I thought SEO guys were all dead set against having any type of auto-playing media on their site (I was always told that customers find it annoying)?