Enroll America: Short on Details, Long on Your Tax Dollars

Who knew today was pay day?

Navigators get $67 million in grants

To 105 organizations across 30+ states

Navigators get $67 million in grants | LifeHealthPro

When it's all said and done I bet they wind up paying the equivalent of at least 80% commission to all these groups and navigators. Economic inefficiency and its finest. Someone good in math tell us approx how many apps you would have at 10% comm total commission $67 million.
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I don't think the money is going directly to the people working as navigators; at least not here in Iowa. All of the groups awarded grants are already in the field and as I can tell from webinars with the DOI and CMS, these groups are only trying to add this service to what they are already doing. I don't think anyone in these groups are going to be getting rich off of the navigator program. They might hire a handful of people, but nothing more than that.
10% comp is an easy number, that would require $0.67Billion in annual production.

Rough estimate of average annual indy rate is $6,000. We'll use $6,700 because we're pessimists and the math is easier.

670,000,000/6,700=100,000 apps@10% comp. Considering the amount of uninsured, it's certainly possible. At the 3-4% comp rates we get in my area, it seems a bit less likely.
10% comp is an easy number, that would require $0.67Billion in annual production.

Rough estimate of average annual indy rate is $6,000. We'll use $6,700 because we're pessimists and the math is easier.

670,000,000/6,700=100,000 apps@10% comp. Considering the amount of uninsured, it's certainly possible. At the 3-4% comp rates we get in my area, it seems a bit less likely.

The taxpayers will probably see 20,000 apps for that $67 million.
Do you really think that out of 65,000,000 uninsured, they can only reach 20,000? They're shooting fish in a bucket with a shotgun, not prospecting or cold calling...

Even 100,000 is only .15% of the pop
How many people do they have working?
How many apps do you think they will write per week?

I know how govt. workers work.
Besides people are not going to be lining up to hand over their money just because they are entitled to a subsidy....now if it is totally free...different story.

Take a guy that hasn't been to a doc in 3 years, good health pays $0 per month now. You think he will pay $100 a month to have a card in his wallet?
That's what I'm saying too:

Getting young healthy people on board won't happen. To go from $0/mo to any number higher than 0 is a bad prospect.

Now, momma might step in now and pay for Jr's insurance. Follow the money.
They're not prospecting.

Say it with me now:

No convincing people, no young invincibles. They are FILLING THE ORDERS of people who want insurance and have reached out to one of the federally provided enrollment assistors for help. The phone numbers and locations of these navigators will be publicized and advertised heavily.

When these ads are run on tv, and people call the number, the $67 million funds those people who answer the calls. When people go to the state exchange website and need help, these are the people who assist. These are the people who staff the walk-in clinics.

105 entities in 30 states, you really think they won't manage 1000 enrollments apiece? That's only about 5 a day for the enrollment period.

I can't fathom them doing less than 100k/yr in apps. It would blow my mind if less than 0.15% of the uninsured people actually reach out to procure health insurance.
No doubt they will get a lot of calls. Then they find out its gonna cost em $100 or $200 a month they will be like let me halla back atcha.

And 5 a day per location is crazy high...nope won't happen...things will slow down fast after Oct.
Prepare your mind to be blown.
Oct and early Nov will move along quickly. Sales are going to drop off like a rock when people have to pay more (or something at all) instead of buying themselves and their families Christmas presents.