Exchange Subsidies Gone Awry

The Recession Will Be Ended By Obamacare. It Will Take So Many People To Implement This And Decipher It And Analyze It All Human Capital Will Be Needed For This Endeavor.
I may just have to hire an exchange consumer to help me understand all of this crapola.

Advocates press administration to fix insurance subsidy regulations - The Hill's Healthwatch
The law, as The Hill first reported in July, would preclude some workers' families from getting subsidies in new state health insurance exchanges if they turned down employer-sponsored family coverage that might be unaffordable. The administration had vowed to address the glitch, but recently proposed regulations would still leave many families in the lurch, prompting one children's advocate to say he was "profoundly disappointed" with regulators

So if the family gets hit with the penalty for being uncovered and is ineligible for the subsidy, does that mean the employer is protected from the penalty for employees being on the subsidy?
Hee hee ho ho ha ha.....this keeps getting better as they actually read it. States reject exchange, so no subsidies in fed exchange = we keep our jobs. Title of this thread will hold water for next couple years

Politico Pro: Exchange Subsidies Could Hit Speed Bump
Could a drafting error make it impossible for the feds to provide premium subsidies to individuals in federally run exchanges? The question has been getting attention since Wednesday, when Investors Business Daily reported that a problem in the language of the Affordable Care Act could trip up any effort to give the subsidies to people in a federal "fallback" exchange. The ACA specifies that exchange subsidies are available to those purchasing insurance through "an exchange established by the state under 1311," the section that describes state-run exchanges. It does not outline similar eligibility for those buying insurance through a fallback exchange set up by HHS if a state does not set up an exchange of its own (Feder, 9/9).
Last edited:
June 29, 2012

The Treasury Department/IRS have issued FINAL regulations regarding the allowable Premium Tax Credit to help people buy health insurance sold on their state's exchange.

Treasury Department and IRS Issue Final Regulations Implementing Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit –

I don't think the average tax payer will understand all this. How in the heck will they be able to ACCURATELY calculate the subsidy, pay the difference between the subsidy and the actual premium and then prove to the IRS that they have qualified health insurance for 12 months every year? If a family member gets a pay raise, or pay cut, they're responsible for notifying the IRS and then re-calculating their subsidy credit amount.

Sounds like this whole subsidy business is similar to trying to stay qualified for one of the Food Stamp or Income Assistance programs!
Allen, do you really believe there is enough money to fund the exchanges and subsidies?

Our government has spent over a Trillion dollars on wars this past decade, sends Billions of $$$ to other countries every month, all while running up a +$10 Trillion dollar deficit, I'd say YES...especially if Obama stays and the Dems keep a Senate super majority.

They are going to tax insurance companies, borrow from the Chinese and print the money necessary to fully implement the ACA. After all, what's another Trillion dollars to our Uncle Sam?
Actually, it is over $15 trillion in debt plus another $60 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

The Chinese stopped buying our debt months ago and we are now buying it ourselves in an elaborate Treasury swap scheme.

The US credit rating has been downgraded once already and will probably happen again in the near future, possibly before the next election.

There is no one left to bail us out. Even if Germany wanted to, they can't save Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the rest of Europe.

Besides, I think they may still hold a grudge over some of the damage we did to Berlin and other cities back in the 40's.

The country is on the verge of financial collapse and if Obamacare survives the fall election the country won't. We will be bankrupt before the 2016 elections.