Family First Life won't release me.

I've been with FFL for about 6 months. It was my first IMO, so I just didn't know what I didn't know. They have lots of marketing that advertises very clearly "no contracts", but now that I want to leave, they have this one-sided contract that I must sign. Big lesson learned here.

I was hoping to join @JRoot over at Digital BGA for final expense telesales, but one of the carriers they need is locked up with FFL for at least another 4 months.

I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to get out of FFL without signing their one-sided contract or what other options I should explore? Thanks.

Which carrier(s)?

I've never had a problem getting FFL agents released to me, with the exception of Aetna, which I believe is a carrier issue.
Which carrier(s)?

I've never had a problem getting FFL agents released to me, with the exception of Aetna, which I believe is a carrier issue.

Hey David, thanks for replying. FFL has this lengthy one-sided release contract in order to release anything and it must be signed by the agent and the new IMO. It's pretty ugly. The carrier in particular is AmAm, but again, FFL won't release any carriers without this one-sided contract signed.

For Aetna, I was just planning on waiting for 6 months with no activity. Is this okay, or is there something I should do differently?
Jd am am age 68 smoker $10k is $89.65. Family benefit $92.65 . Kskj not in a lot of states so not an option for many of us . But I believe kskj is standard for insulin ? What about neuropathy with type 2 diabetes ? What if a client takes 2 inhalers and says doesn't have copd? Will kskj rate standard ? Am Am will take all those preferred and very good smoker rates . Am am allows the agent to redraft without the client on the phone . They answer the phone fast . 2 hr wait with trans and even co's like prosperity and foresters long waits . Am Am has great ss billing which is big for me . They even allow direct monthly if you need.
Jd am am age 68 smoker $10k is $89.65. Family benefit $92.65 . Kskj not in a lot of states so not an option for many of us . But I believe kskj is standard for insulin ? What about neuropathy with type 2 diabetes ? What if a client takes 2 inhalers and says doesn't have copd? Will kskj rate standard ? Am Am will take all those preferred and very good smoker rates . Am am allows the agent to redraft without the client on the phone . They answer the phone fast . 2 hr wait with trans and even co's like prosperity and foresters long waits . Am Am has great ss billing which is big for me . They even allow direct monthly if you need.

I've had KSKJ for 6 years. I dumped AmAm 10 years ago. That dog won't hunt!!
But I love amam. I replace that crap all the time. Replaced one yesterday. Lady paying $68/mo for $15K. Almost 3 year old policy. Now has $20K for $69/mo. Plus getting a little cash from AmAm. After a 20 minite hold time of course.
For that 68 year old KSKJ is $70/mo. LS is $71/mo. SLAC is $72. Ecen GCU is $85/mo.

Thats assuming they get preferred with kskj . Slac won't take anyone on disability nor many ailments so that knocks out a ton . Lifeshield has very strict underwriting . Neither of the last 2 carriers will touch inhalers . They both got very strict ht/wt . I have contract with both and rarely right . If kskj were in my state I'd write it . Gcu has crap billing but i use for ages 50-60.