Fax Blast

Wow....someone need to shut these ass clowns down! I got back on the horn with good 'ole Byron who sent me the following:

Benefits: Free file hosting by Savefile.com
Enrollment form: Free file hosting by Savefile.com

Now.....this is a scam - unlike legitimate discount card outfits like AmeriPlan.

Anyone who signs up for this? Good luck - they're asking for your drivers license number on the app.

Pull up those documents. There's no company name - no anything. Those PDF files were designed by someone's high school daughter.

Called back and asked for a manager - very interesting info:

*They are just an enrollment center - no website - would not give location
*They sell through "many carriers" and cannot disclose which ones.

So basically, you put all your banking info and drivers license on this form, they take your money - whether or not you get a token packet of anything is the mail is a "maybe."

Pure scam. These guys need to be reported immediately.
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Well - if you watched the movie "Boiler Room" this is it. You can do whatever you think you're gonna do to these guys - the AG himself could try to investigate but at the first sign of trouble this will be an empty room with phone lines hanging out of the wall. This is "turn it and burnt it" at it's best.

A month from now these guys will be "Group Health Direct" operating a block away from their current location.
This is what I found on the net.

Rating: 0
Ray - 18 Jan 2008
This seems to be the same old runaround that is the "National Alliance of Associates" with offices supposedly at 141 Ganttown Rd, Turnersville, NJ, also by their own statement 3838 Raymert Drive, Las Vegas, NV and 3810 Swan Lake in Phoenix, AZ. The Insurance Fraud Units of the Attorney General's Office in both AZ and NV are not the least bit interested in investigating these scam artists. (Yes, I called them). I am amazed that these so called "investigators" are not curious enough to drive to a call center in their OWN HOME TOWN. America, you are on your own."

(800) 531-6415
Okay, so this is a perfect scam. Exactly who do we sick on them? the DOI??? What is the best way to go about getting 'em?