FB Local Lead Vendors List


New Member
I’m trying to get an all encompassing focused list together of local/face-to-face lead vendors generated through Facebook. They can generate them either radius-based or county specific and specifically they need to be able to be ordered from the public website without needing to consult the vendor beforehand.

The reason why this is an important resource is that direct mail is not always an option for face to face agents. Maybe they’re simply too expensive, the agent doesn’t have time or want to wait on the turnaround, they want a more quickly deployed method of hitting the doors, and most practically it is a newer agent who needs to get good at selling face-to-face without the learning curb expense of all of the aforementioned reasons on direct mail leads. This is not a thread about who “has the best FB leads for face-to-face” but strictly about known, reputable vendors operating in that space who a newer or even an experienced agent can rely upon.

That being said the most ones that I am most familiar with are:
- Happy Agent
- TTC Leads
- CABoom Leads
- Gamechanger Leads

These are all solid vendors and hopefully this thread provides a few additional options so this can become an exhaustive list and resource when agents come on here looking for these specific leads. Like shopping for insurance companies, many newer and younger agents want to be able to find the right lead vendor “fit” on top of price/features as they decide who to partner with in building their business and learning to sell final expense. I believe the options component is of even more importance here given the digital nature of FB leads- whereas there’s already a significantly smaller pool of vendor options for DM so it’s take it or leave it.

While telesales has become the pre-eminent force recently, there’s many younger yet-to-be life insurance/final expense salesmen who would benefit and be energized by opportunity to do it in an outside sales capacity, close a higher percentage of their deals if they work hard enough and get in front of enough people/give them confidence, and in turn get started more quickly than with what DM provides.

Be sure that any vendors mentioned are verified as actively filling orders, updating their website, communicating with purchasers, etc. as of 2024.