FE Agents And Dogs, Cigarette Smoke

Take control. Tell them to put the dogs up. "Miss Mary can you put the dogs outside or in a room please." No question mark at the end.

Same with the smoking. "Miss Mary do you think the smoke will mess with my asthma?" A little less controlling. More passive aggressive, but it works. Actually if you give them the right look, they will ask if it's ok if they can smoke, then I'd say, "I don't know. Do you think it would be bad for my asthma?"

We may be their guests, but they're invading my space with their dogs and invading my lungs with their bad habit. Take control and make em stop.

I think you're going to offend someone who's a buyer.

I've been in houses where the little furry creatures were throwing up hair balls and I've see them eat their own poop.

They lick their genitalia,anus and then their owner kisses the little bastard.

It's a nasty,filthy situation but these people get the bills paid and I'm not going to tell them what to do in their own house.

I'm there to write business.

I was thinking of carrying a nice set of lawn chairs in the bed of my pickup.
In the early days I toughed it out. I went into areas other agents wouldn't. Today if it is especially nasty, bugs bum rushing me or I feel like I am going to see the inside of the out door cook pot? I bail. If I am there by referral I give a little more leeway but not much.

I have seen it all before, but I just choose not to anymore.

I agree, take control of the appointment or bail. One $50mo sale should not make or break you.
I think you're going to offend someone who's a buyer.

I've been in houses where the little furry creatures were throwing up hair balls and I've see them eat their own poop.

They lick their genitalia,anus and then their owner kisses the little bastard.

It's a nasty,filthy situation but these people get the bills paid and I'm not going to tell them what to do in their own house.

I'm there to write business.

I was thinking of carrying a nice set of lawn chairs in the bed of my pickup.

I've dealt with it all as well. Say in piss, animal and human. Stepped in crap, hopefully just animal, roaches crawling up my legs and the bed bugs.

I never cared about (most) dogs. But as an ex-smoker, I can't stand that.
Take control. Tell them to put the dogs up. "Miss Mary can you put the dogs outside or in a room please." No question mark at the end.

Same with the smoking. "Miss Mary do you think the smoke will mess with my asthma?" A little less controlling. More passive aggressive, but it works. Actually if you give them the right look, they will ask if it's ok if they can smoke, then I'd say, "I don't know. Do you think it would be bad for my asthma?"

We may be their guests, but they're invading my space with their dogs and invading my lungs with their bad habit. Take control and make em stop.
I have no dogs and do not smoke. However, if you are in my home, you do not have any space for me to invade.. It is all my space. :yes:
I have seen it all before, but I just choose not to anymore.

I agree.. That is the beauty of being independent, you choose who you have for a client. I have had referrals and leads to home where the trash is trash is pilled to the front porch ceiling and scattered all over the yard. I chose to drive on by. There may be a $1200AP sale on the other side of the door but I will let someone else have it.

But, on the other hand, if an agent chooses to write business in a stomach turning house, he should be willing to go back to service it..
I agree.. That is the beauty of being independent, you choose who you have for a client. I have had referrals and leads to home where the trash is trash is pilled to the front porch ceiling and scattered all over the yard. I chose to drive on by. There may be a $1200AP sale on the other side of the door but I will let someone else have it.

But, on the other hand, if an agent chooses to write business in a stomach turning house, he should be willing to go back to service it..

The good part about all of this filthy mess with nasty dogs,their owners,and smokers is,when we pull up into the yard and see the pig's pen,smell the reeking odor of stale tobacco smoke,and hear the little shits yapping,we know there's a good chance to write some business.

These are FE people.

I just knock on the door and hold my nose,get out of their as fast as I can.

And yes,I'm writing Trans and avoiding the time it takes to complete a phone interview.
The dog in my pic there is 125 pounds and knows no personal boundaries. He gets to inspect and pat down any salesmen that come to my home. And he can tell everything about you including what you had for lunch last Tuesday.