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But don't forget that charge backs NEVER deducted from adv. comm. the way other co.'s do. Crunch the numbers with a 100% contract and FULL charge backs being deducted from your NEXT adv. comm. VS 70% or 80% contract with charge backs NEVER deducted from adv. comm. Use same persistency ratio for both calculations. You'll be surprised.

What's MAH?
HUH? Did you by chance work on the Obama campaign? I'd be surprised if not because you sure do sound like him with that line of crap.

I don't know about N.C., but down here in Florida, a charge back is a charge back. It doesn't matter if you repay it from advanced commissions, renewals or a charge back account, you're still repaying the same amount.

Why would anybody trade 30%-40% of their income, just so they don't get hit with a chargeback on advanced commissions? They're still going to get hit with it!

By the way... who in their right mind would take a 100% FE contract let alone 70%? I mean damn... talk about bending them over and breaking it off!
HUH? Did you by chance work on the Obama campaign? I'd be surprised if not because you sure do sound like him with that line of crap.

I don't know about N.C., but down here in Florida, a charge back is a charge back. It doesn't matter if you repay it from advanced commissions, renewals or a charge back account, you're still repaying the same amount.

Why would anybody trade 30%-40% of their income, just so they don't get hit with a chargeback on advanced commissions? They're still going to get hit with it!

By the way... who in their right mind would take a 100% FE contract let alone 70%? I mean damn... talk about bending them over and breaking it off!

As I said earlier a charge back has to be repaid. It's HOW it's repaid that helps an agent out. Guess you weren't paying attention.

No...I did not vote for Obama. Did you?

You're not Puerto Rican are you? Oh wait..my bad...that's Miami.
As I said earlier a charge back has to be repaid. It's HOW it's repaid that helps an agent out. Guess you weren't paying attention.

No...I did not vote for Obama. Did you?

You're not Puerto Rican are you? Oh wait..my bad...that's Miami.
Oh I was paying attention alright... that's why I'm still waiting to learn how taking 40% less commssion, can be an advantage. A 40% interst rate is a little steep for the priviledge of waiting a few months to repay a chargeback, which probably also has interest stacked on top of it.

Please lay it out for my dumb Puerto Rican ass. I'm willing to learn something new and as you already know, us Puerto Rican's aren't too smart.

Here's your big chance. Lay it out so we can see how it makes financial sense to take a 40% pay cut.
Oh I was paying attention alright... that's why I'm still waiting to learn how taking 40% less commssion, can be an advantage. A 40% interst rate is a little steep for the priviledge of waiting a few months to repay a chargeback, which probably also has interest stacked on top of it.

Please lay it out for my dumb Puerto Rican ass. I'm willing to learn something new and as you already know, us Puerto Rican's aren't too smart.

Here's your big chance. Lay it out so we can see how it makes financial sense to take a 40% pay cut.

OK Ricky Ricardo...I thought you were Puerto Rican. Do you have all your document in order or did you ride the inner tube?

If you know anything about the cost to generate FE leads, not generic worded but SPECIFICALLY worded, the cost of each lead would easily run you $30-$40 each.

Jdeasy, a FE veteran on this forum, has said he is happy to have a reduced contract with his leads costing less than the price he'd pay if he generated them himself. I believe another vet, Newby I think but not sure, said the same thing in the last few days. A lot of FE agents feel the same way, me included. Has to do w/ response rates.

About the 40% interest rate...where do you get that nonsense. 40% reduction in comm. not the same as 40% interest rate. Did you get past the 5th grade? (I mean with you being Puerto Rican and everything).

NO interest on the delayed payment of the charge back.

I'll repeat myself again since you don't comprehend nor spell English too well. It's HOW the charge back is paid back that helps keep the agent from hopping from co. to co. every few months. I know you are not a rabbit but how much hopping have you been doing? Or are you still wet behind the ears and not even been doing it for 3 yrs.?

You sound angry that you are Puerto Rican. Don't be angry, be proud. Your hostility when selling (even though you try to mask it) is probably detected by some of your prospects' radar.

I know only 2 people from Puerto Rico and they certainly do not have your hostility. You must ba a" keyboard warrior". LOL!!!
OK Ricky Ricardo...I thought you were Puerto Rican. Do you have all your document in order or did you ride the inner tube?

If you know anything about the cost to generate FE leads, not generic worded but SPECIFICALLY worded, the cost of each lead would easily run you $30-$40 each.

Jdeasy, a FE veteran on this forum, has said he is happy to have a reduced contract with his leads costing less than the price he'd pay if he generated them himself. I believe another vet, Newby I think but not sure, said the same thing in the last few days. A lot of FE agents feel the same way, me included. Has to do w/ response rates.

About the 40% interest rate...where do you get that nonsense. 40% reduction in comm. not the same as 40% interest rate. Did you get past the 5th grade? (I mean with you being Puerto Rican and everything).

NO interest on the delayed payment of the charge back.

I'll repeat myself again since you don't comprehend nor spell English too well. It's HOW the charge back is paid back that helps keep the agent from hopping from co. to co. every few months. I know you are not a rabbit but how much hopping have you been doing? Or are you still wet behind the ears and not even been doing it for 3 yrs.?

You sound angry that you are Puerto Rican. Don't be angry, be proud. Your hostility when selling (even though you try to mask it) is probably detected by some of your prospects' radar.

I know only 2 people from Puerto Rico and they certainly do not have your hostility. You must ba a" keyboard warrior". LOL!!!
Ricky Ricardo was Cuban and you were not discussing leads. It's also not difficult to get quality leads for a lot less than $30-$40 without the huge commision hit.

I also know full well the difference between commissions and interest, but of course you already knew that and are just attempting to change direction. You specifically attempted to mislead readers into believing that the money was the same, even with commssions at 30%-40% less. Here's a copy in case you forgot:

Originally Posted by theinsuranceman
But don't forget that charge backs NEVER deducted from adv. comm. the way other co.'s do. Crunch the numbers with a 100% contract and FULL charge backs being deducted from your NEXT adv. comm. VS 70% or 80% contract with charge backs NEVER deducted from adv. comm. Use same persistency ratio for both calculations. You'll be surprised.

So once again I'm going to allow you the opportunity to show us all how to "crunch" the numbers to our advantage and maybe this time you won't attempt to change the subject. This is very simple, you made a claim and I'm giving you the opportunity to prove it. NOW CAN YOU PROVE IT OR NOT?

BTW... I don't hop. No need to when you're independent with "GOOD" contracts!
Ricky Ricardo was Cuban and you were not discussing leads. It's also not difficult to get quality leads for a lot less than $30-$40 without the huge commision hit.

I also know full well the difference between commissions and interest, but of course you already knew that and are just attempting to change direction. You specifically attempted to mislead readers into believing that the money was the same, even with commssions at 30%-40% less. Here's a copy in case you forgot:

Originally Posted by theinsuranceman
But don't forget that charge backs NEVER deducted from adv. comm. the way other co.'s do. Crunch the numbers with a 100% contract and FULL charge backs being deducted from your NEXT adv. comm. VS 70% or 80% contract with charge backs NEVER deducted from adv. comm. Use same persistency ratio for both calculations. You'll be surprised.​
So once again I'm going to allow you the opportunity to show us all how to "crunch" the numbers to our advantage and maybe this time you won't attempt to change the subject. This is very simple, you made a claim and I'm giving you the opportunity to prove it. NOW CAN YOU PROVE IT OR NOT?

BTW... I don't hop. No need to when you're independent with "GOOD" contracts!

Your grammar has improved! Congrats. You are right Ricky R. was Cuban.

If you will reread my post that you are referring to I did NOT say the $$ was the same. READ the post carefully. What I'm saying is that when charge backs are NOT deducted from your adv. comm. it makes it easier for the agent to keep his/her neck above water. It's HOW the charge backs are repaid.

My example you are referring to, if you know how to crunch the numbers, will show you that a big producer that's fairly new (or any new agent) won't have the "charge back hell" (as Jody so aptly said in another thread). Will you make more more $ after one year? No. The math doesn't allow for that.

Will you have a higher probability of making it after one year? Yes.

Of course if you have a decent block of renewals full charge backs deducted from adv. comm. won't sting as bad. But new agents don't have that cushion. And without that cushion, and full charge backs being deducted from their NEXT adv. comm., well they are more apt to fail or HOP to another co.

By the way, you seem to have more class about you this second go round.
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Your grammar has improved! Congrats. You are right Ricky R. was Cuban.

If you will reread my post that you are referring to I did NOT say the $$ was the same. READ the post carefully. What I'm saying is that when charge backs are NOT deducted from your adv. comm. it makes it easier for the agent to keep his/her neck above water. It's HOW the charge backs are repaid.

My example you are referring to, if you know how to crunch the numbers, will show you that a big producer that's fairly new (or any new agent) won't have the "charge back hell" (as Jody so aptly said in another thread). Will you make more more $ after one year? No. The math doesn't allow for that.

Will you have a higher probability of making it after one year? Yes.

Of course if you have a decent block of renewals full charge backs deducted from adv. comm. won't sting as bad. But new agents don't have that cushion. And without that cushion, and full charge backs being deducted from their NEXT adv. comm., well they are more apt to fail or HOP to another co.

By the way, you seem to have more class about you this second go round.
Yes I know, it's how the chargebacks are repaid. Are you sure you're not related to Barack? You both have the same ability to talk in circles and say nothing new.

So now that you have attempted to take the focus off the first year and claim that the dollars will be higher in the second year, I will let you do the math for us on that one instead. Most of my contracts pay 11%-15% SYR. What does your operation pay?

Let's see if you can actually answer the question this time around. I would think that a recruiter with a legit opportunity would have no problem laying out all the math for their prospects. Are you also a dance instructor? You seem to have a fondness for tap dancing.
Yes I know, it's how the chargebacks are repaid. Are you sure you're not related to Barack? You both have the same ability to talk in circles and say nothing new.

So now that you have attempted to take the focus off the first year and claim that the dollars will be higher in the second year, I will let you do the math for us on that one instead. Most of my contracts pay 11%-15% SYR. What does your operation pay?

Let's see if you can actually answer the question this time around. I would think that a recruiter with a legit opportunity would have no problem laying out all the math for their prospects. Are you also a dance instructor? You seem to have a fondness for tap dancing.

Nowhere have I said 2nd yr. comm. would be higher. Duh...the math doesn't allow for that. Remember?

All I'm saying (for the 3rd time for you) is an agent has a better chance to succeed where charge backs are NOT deducted from adv. comm. They are deducted from UNadvanced comm.

For ex. if you have a 75% advance, the charge backs are deducted from the 25% that's not advanced. Most agents (new and around for awhile) are so short on cash they can not weather charge backs being deducted from advance comm.
Nowhere have I said 2nd yr. comm. would be higher. Duh...the math doesn't allow for that. Remember?

All I'm saying (for the 3rd time for you) is an agent has a better chance to succeed where charge backs are NOT deducted from adv. comm. They are deducted from UNadvanced comm.

For ex. if you have a 75% advance, the charge backs are deducted from the 25% that's not advanced. Most agents (new and around for awhile) are so short on cash they can not weather charge backs being deducted from advance comm.
Trust me ... I don't need examples of the chargeback process. My issue is that you say things that are worded to mislead. You said for example:

"Will you make more more $ after one year? No. The math doesn't allow for that.

Will you have a higher probability of making it after one year? Yes."

The bottom line is that you attempted to make it sound like a 70% commission with chargebacks coming from renewals, was a financially better move than 100%+ with chargebacks upfront. You even went as far as to say "crunch the numbers" and "you'll be surprised'

Well I did crunch some numbers and I'm surprised that anyone would take that deal. You also didn't answer my question concerning renewals. I'm guessing that's because they're probably in the 2%-4% range?

So tell us about this great lead program that's worth a 40% pay cut? I don't know about you, but for 40% of my income, I can generate more leads than I could ever possibly work running 24x7. And that doesn't include the referrals I pull.