Federal Court: HC.gov Subsidies Are Illegal.

Hey if the Neo-Cons want to play "hide and seek" with the subsidies...... the Dems should play "hide and seek" with their cruise missiles....fair is fair!

So you think there is a moral equivalent between using cruise missiles and the subsidies.... You know if your buddy Obama had passed this healthcare bill correctly and gotten opposition party buy in maybe the bill would have been read before passing, at the very least a bi-partisan passed bill would now get bi-partisan support in fixing what is wrong.. This bill has been political from the moment Obama told the repubs that " he won and the repubs lost. He owns it and will more than likely lose the Senate in Nov and then this whole thing will turn into a high risk pool for the sick, not some give away to the insurance companies and the middle to low income. Blame Obama Mr. Obamacoogster....
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Our community organizer will be talking about the economy at 5pm EST today with Liesman on CNBC.........free entertainment and laughter coming in 20 min.
Do you have a mouse in your pocket?:laugh: Make sure you record the segment please and share!

He said Obamacare was a mistake, the fed is creating a stock market bubble, lower median household income is better for America, and he is sorry that he keeps blaming congress. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
So you think there is a moral equivalent between using cruise missiles and the subsidies.... You know if your buddy Obama had passed this healthcare bill correctly and gotten opposition party buy in maybe the bill would have been read before passing, at the very least a bi-partisan passed bill would now get bi-partisan support in fixing what is wrong.. This bill has been political from the moment Obama told the repubs that " he won and the repubs lost. He owns it and will more than likely lose the Senate in Nov and then this whole thing will turn into a high risk pool for the sick, not some give away to the insurance companies and the middle to low income. Blame Obama President Obamacoogster....

My post was "tongue-in-cheek"...."in jest"....lighten up Toddles:laugh:
Law professor Timothy Jost, a leading Obamacare expert, noted that a number of Republican-led states are extremely unlikely, in the near term, to move to set up their own exchanges because of their governors' or legislatures' hardcore opposition to the ACA.

"They'll die before they let their residents get tax credits," Jost said.

Figures u would pick the most ridiculous quote in the entire article and ever read.
Law professor Timothy Jost, a leading Obamacare expert, noted that a number of Republican-led states are extremely unlikely, in the near term, to move to set up their own exchanges because of their governors' or legislatures' hardcore opposition to the ACA.

"They'll die before they let their residents get tax credits," Jost said.

How does it make sense to have health care / insurance reform that increases the cost of insurance so much that government subsidies are needed for most people to afford the insurance..