Hey Jeff,

What is a tenured agent? Is it time in the business or time on board with you?
How about what percentage of agents make it past the first year ?

1 out of three?
1 out of 4 ?
1 out of five ?

How about the percentage of 1st year agents that lose 10-15k ?

Do any 1st year agents that leave owe him any money?

Does he release agents that leave in the 1st year ?

Who keeps the unearned commission and renewals when the agent quits within that first year ?

Does he use that money to inflate his numbers?
How about what percentage of agents make it past the first year ?

1 out of three?
1 out of 4 ?
1 out of five ?

How about the percentage of 1st year agents that lose 10-15k ?

Do any 1st year agents that leave owe him any money?

Does he release agents that leave in the 1st year ?

Who keeps the unearned commission and renewals when the agent quits within that first year ?

Does he use that money to inflate his numbers?

Like you, I have been doing this a long time.
Newbies in years 1-3 fall out daily regardless if F2F, Telesales, Virtual (like me), or any hybrid of those.

On the other hand I would guess newbies are much more trainable than seasoned agents like us. Also, newbies don't know it can't be done. Many times mature agents are pretty jaded to anything that isn't what they do. The old "back in my day..." thing.

Numbers can be subjective. Example, one guy closes 20%, another guy closes 10%. Which one netted more income. One guy is averaging just $60mo per household the other is closer to $100mo. Just Numbers.

Hope you stay dry.
We have ramping and tenured agents. These are sales rates for various TV ads from tenured agents after 30 days has passed so it includes follow up.

You don't believe 15%, so I'm sure you won't believe this.

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unless one saw bank accounts with deposits and total expenses those #’s only mean 1 thing . The person who overrides (you in this case ) made a shit ton of overrides .