Final Expense Phone Qualifying Is Working

I use press one leads. I have been ordering in batches of 30 as of late because my cost per lead dropped down. When I get 30 leads I expect to write 10 policies to the person named as the lead. But keep in mind if you can go to one home and write two or 3 policies that skews the numbers a little bit. They also become skewed when you work and write referrals.

I do not sit around and analize numbers. I beleive if I am doing things well the numbers will pan out, and the money will take care of itself. I also work leads long after most guys might throw them away. I wrote one last week from 6 monhts ago.

The numbers that mean just as much or more to me are how many homes that I visit do i close. Because I tend to do more qualifying over the phone than most agents on this site those numbers are pretty high, maybe 80 to 85%.

There are so many different ways to skin a cat and this business ia a great example of that. Myself, I hate cold calling and hate trying to drive around and catch people at home. I want them knowing when I get there what I am there for and what I expect is going to happen.
What is press 1 leads? Is that a type of lead as in "automated recording where the homeowner presses 1 if interested" or is that the name of a lead company?

yes i get my leads and work through PHR. They have numerous different types of leads. I prefer press one leads. I did use YAL in the past. They bite the big weenie.
I thought press 1 leads were illegal, except when calling b2b.

Because they are. It's totally and completely illegal to use voice broadcasting (press 1,robocall, etc) to consumers for the purpose of selling anything unless you have explicit permission to contact them that way.
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Aren't press 1 campaigns illegal?

Check out Autodialer Services | Auto Dialer Services | Voice Broadcasting for more info.
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