Final Expense

What States are approved for sale?

Wet sig required?

If yes - fax app ok?


110%, easy issue, takes sick people, 3 plans, small company, lead program, everything in house, interview, etc., free custom business cards, EZ app, fast pay! deferred charge backs 'til you start getting residuals, offers other life products, and will treat you like family.

PM me and I'll get a package sent over to you.
Is it normal that if FE Co. has 3 FE product levels- agents commission structure goes DOWN from Guaranteed Level being highest to Guaranteed Return Premium paying lowest commission.

Just want to clarify if a SLIDING scale commission structure is normal ? ( ex. Product 1- Guar Level 95% comm, Guaranteed Graded 60% comm, Guaranteed Return of Premium FE at 50% comm )

Im an indepent. agent.

Just trying to understand WHY the big drop in commission by selling the lower level. In other words, is the FMO also getting a sliding scale from the carriers ? ( I am aware that people who enroll in product 2 & product 3 would be much higher risks. I just want to clarify if the FMO's also are getting the same SLIDING scale that they offer their Indy agents)
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Duval904, the reason you cannot login under J-Ro, James, is that too many members were confusing that user name with J-Lo and sending you solicitations that I am certain you could not fulfill. I am including myself in that group of horny toads.:swoon:
Looking To Plug Into This System

For Almost a year now I have been selling Final Expense over the phone. Nothing else and making a great living at it.

You need a lot of pieces in place to make it work. I've checked out many groups that say they got it down etc but they don't come close to providing all the tools for their agents.

Just by luck I ran acrossed the only group that has it figured out... I consider my self lucky because I could have gotten involved with others that didn't have a complete system in place and just been frustrated.

Final Expense Telesales is the future because of a simplistic product in a market that's growing. No government meddling or insurance companies revamps etc.

However, without a complete thought out system that is tested, you will just be frustrated and bounce around from company to company and product to product like most agents do all the time.

I luckily found the green grass and from where I sit there is no greener grass on the othe side. And this is from constant research and almost 1 year of experience doing nothing but final expense over the phone with an incredible organization that are experts at it and have a lot of exciting plans for the near future.

Can you please call or email me. Looking to move into FE.
years experience in Mortgage protectio Insurance. Leads dried up.

RICHARD 303-840-1073 or [email protected]
Not to sure about that! I sell in field but tried Baltimore over the phone and had about the same success. Overall close and persistence were about the same. Just got involved with a terrible up line and terminated my contract. B** and Sher** Scott out of TN( I think)..............:1mad:
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Yes, I terminated the contract. They promised a lead program and never delivered.
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I have a great company for easy issue final expense, low rate (not as low as oxford but second best) insurance age 20 to 85 with great comm ,they pay for the leads as well . like a 1000 mailers for every 7 apps regardless of premium. Hit me back . the only thing they have turned down a couple of my agents after the back ground check came back , gotta have good standing on Victor.
Alex this is the post I am asking you about. Thanks
Can you recommend any FE in OR. which offer nursing home riders on FE policies?

I'm not sure about Oregon but Monumental, Settlers, Motorists, and MANY others pay claim if someone goes in a nursing home.

Some of the companies also pay claim if someone is diagnosed as terminal within 1-year even if they are not in a nursing home. This is even better.

This type of benefit should NEVER be sold as an alternative to a long-term-care policy. It's not even close to the same thing. I have run into clients that had that impression and I assume it's how it was presented to them.
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Not sure in OR, but American Amicable' group of companies has a rider paying 5% of the death benefit at no additional cost.
At least in GA anyway.