It's been about two years since I purchased my last list from them. I was "guessing" at what the price was. At that time I purchased several thousand and have not found the need to place another order yet. The vast majority of my clients come out of my Prospects Database. A list lasts a very long time the way I use it.
I am now just starting to call those who were 64 when I purchased the list. I have found it way too time consuming to call those who are T65. Not that I don't sell insurance to them, however, it is so much more cost effective and easier to contact and sell seniors at age 67 and above.
Thanks for the info about Craig.
Frank, I talked to Lead Concepts yesterday, and unless people are negotiating, which I may try to do, the lists are now $110 per thousand. I know they are paid on commission, so I would assume that if you buy more, you can do some haggling. Just wanted bring your info up to date!