FMO's, Do you really need one?

I use an FMO for all deals.


Because they have an interest in what we are doing and can offer training, support and most of all - bargaining power!

They get us high contracts. Yes they make 5% - 10%+ - so what? We still get 115% / 125% / 140% too!

But the bargaining power assists us in getting most applicants approved quickly and they're making sales in a week or two.

I love my FMO's . . .

It's "plug & play" baby . . .

I ran across I really great FMO well so far so good. It's called Complete Solutions Inc. You might not of heard of it but the people are nice and helpful. So far!
Being that the thread was about the company I have joined I thought I would put my knowledge of it in a post. I am only an agent, you will not find me posting any type of recruiting on here. I just want to learn.

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