Food Courts, Valpak and shared leads

The numbers game hasn't failed me yet. F the Valpak and coupons. Buy leads, make appointments, get in front of people, close.

It certainly helps if you have a spouse or $10/hr to pay for help setting appts...and living in FL, cuz I ain't see a salt truck yet!

That's it. If you set 15 appts a week and can't close 8, you suck.

If you close 7, you're still making $5000+ a week. (sub-broker comm level).

The only good thing about the internet is getting the leads. The rest just helps us get fat, lazy, and egotistical. You wanna sit on your butt (phone) and sell 4 a week, or get vertical and close 10? Big difference in income folks.

If you're on the phone all the time, you're at the mercy of your prospect. Oh, my cat just puked, oh, I have company, oh, I have to talk to my husband. That's the phone for control.

Get in their house. You're not going to visit. You're there to close.

Crabcake Johnny will tell you to say this, do that, buy Norvax, buy CRM's, auto dial, doorhang, walk n talk, join my "association". Many others chime in with a bunch of methodical BS.

It takes money to make money. Spend it on leads to get appointments. Who cares if you spend $2000 a month when you're making $20,000.

When we all left Mega, we all got on our righteous high horses. Basically, we fought what we were taught cuz we didn't want any semblance of them. All we really did was get "real' products to sell.

If Mega taught us one thing, it was the numbers game.
"Many others chime in with a bunch of methodical BS" ....or smartass comments. :twitchy:

This individual is constantly a smart ass, but then tell him to call you and deal with his issues, then he ignores, the guy has nothing better to do, but to bash others, Spends more time changing his picture and on this forum to be successful. Like a fly, just ignore
Very interesting anecdote...

Good lesson here. You got her before she turned into a "lead". I'm assuming you suggested the life because it was "good for her" not just because you wanted to sell her somethin'.

It's an important distinction.

Once she becomes a "lead" - let the feeding frenzy begin! What percentage of people who request a quote online do you think will ever do it again after they get done with the bombardment?

She would shop because she doesn't trust you totally. Probably unavoidable. Maybe now she does!

Actually, she's one of those clients that would probably shop her own mother. She doesn't shop price as much as uses the shopping experience to try to understand what's important. In most cases, I would agree, this would indicate a trust issue, in this case, it's her nature, she has a real zeal to make sure she knows the angles. I wish I had more clients like her.

My home quoting software prints a life quote automatically. She saw the quote, and wanted to talk about the coverage. Did I suggest it? I suppose, did I push it? No, not at all. I have just come to realize that a lot of my clients don't realize that I sell life insurance, so I make it a bit more obvious, but not obnoxious. One of my biggest challenges is letting my clients know the breadth of what I can do for them.
