Frank Stastny - RIP

"We'll live to dance another day, Just now we'll have to dance for one more of us. So, stop looking soooo damn depressed and sing with all your heart, The Queen (King) is dead." - Frank Turner

RIP Frank.
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Thanks for bumping this thread. I only "met" Frank posthumously via this forum. His wisdom is very much appreciated.

I just joined the Insurance Forum today. I saw Frank's name on the thread list. When I realized what it was about, I felt a momentary jolt. Frank was a wonderful mentor, from afar, as another member put it. I believe in a here after, so I know he simply has stepped up to something better.
In my own backyard! Looking high and looking far when the pot of gold was just 18.4 miles away, jeez!! RIP Frank
This is my first post on this forum in 2.5 years since I left the industry. Right before I took a job that came out of nowhere, I was making plans to make the transition from selling FE to selling med sups and Frank was the guy that was coaching me through it. He took out time in his day on multiple occasions to talk to me about the transition with no promise of any money.

I came on here to see if I could find out what was going on with him after I tried to contact him regarding my step-father's pending decision on what do with his med sup for the upcoming year. After noticing his website and phone was no longer working, I came on here only to search his name and see this thread. Hate to see he left us too soon. I'm glad I got to know him.

RIP Frank