What do they feed you guys in Utah anyways? I am whats wrong with this industry? Because I used a stock image?
You should call your "web designer" and get your money back, I am seriously laughing at you right now. Did Palmer and Associates steal "your" image too? Your two sites look quite a bit alike, and even more like a template site. Is your web designer a Quotit employee?
Maybe you should change your site, oh that's right you can't. You need a designer!
This is the internet! Take the time you spend on this site and use it to learn how the internet works.
That's some free advice. Go cry to the owner of this website to get me kicked off. You are a whiny fool.
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And the last thing Dan, don't flatter yourself by thinking I am going after you in Utah. There is nothing to go after, your site (or who ever's site it is) is doing absolutely nothing! I am spending all of my time working on a national health insurance site and my Utah Health Insurance page went up just like every other state did.
I've been sitting back reading this post. And honestly I am baffled at the all out attacks on Pangea and on each other of the "stolen" design (but I'll get to that in a moment). He is offering a FREE seminar that may help some people. So what's the problem?

Maybe if some of you attended his webinar you would learn more about his skills and capabilities. But the attacks are definitely unwarranted. If you listen in for 10 minutes and don't like what you hear then hit the exit. Who needs this extra stress…. Sheesh!

Now as far as the stolen graphic…..this is FUNNY.

It was stolen from T.R. Web Wizard ( We created it for almost a year ago. We purchased the stock photo of the people (which by the way was on a white background) from a stock photo company and overlayed it onto a GREEN background and added the verbiage "FAST & FREE QUOTES……" and ORANGE BUTTON to it. And have noticed several sites that have not only stolen the entire graphic but whom have also copied the design of our website. Even the little lady at the top with the headset was stolen from our site (the original).

All of you claiming that this is your DESIGN or GRAPHIC should be ashamed of yourselves for getting upset at the person that stolen it from the person that stole it from US. WE HAVE THE ORIGINAL IMAGE FILES WITH LICENSE & PSD TO PROVE IT WAS DESIGNED BY US.

We've even contacted of few of you with this on your website to notify you of this issue. One of you in particular we even helped with one of your websites FREE OF CHARGE. This is the reason we have stopped adding copies of our new designs to our portfolio because there is a tackless web designer/individual stealing our work and charging you for it. What a shame.

Although, we are disappointed we realize that's the nature of this business. So the only one that has the right to be upset is US and for the most part we are not…just disappointed. Glad you liked our design enough to copy/imitate it…it's flattering.

Here's a free back link.
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OK...Are you ready for a bombshell? Here it is:

THE TRUTH is that TR Web Wizard stole it from my brother's company in 2007. He is a web designer for Microsoft and you can check the original draft he actually DONATED to the Univ. of Washington School of Business.

Go to their home page and click on the "Student Project" tab and scroll down to 2007. Click on "Don Harris Portfolio" and there it is!

Silly isn't it? Am I kidding about all of this? Of course. Why? I don't know. I think I'm just bored.
LMAO, This IS hilarious...

I'm definitely taking some people on this board less seriously.

Thanks for the email Tryan326, you're definitely correct.
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OK...Are you ready for a bombshell? Here it is:

THE TRUTH is that TR Web Wizard stole it from my brother's company in 2007. He is a web designer for Microsoft and you can check the original draft he actually DONATED to the Univ. of Washington School of Business.

Go to their home page and click on the "Student Project" tab and scroll down to 2007. Click on "Don Harris Portfolio" and there it is!

Silly isn't it? Am I kidding about all of this? Of course. Why? I don't know. I think I'm just bored.

Ed, I definitely would love to sit over a few beers with you. I don't even know how to respond to your email response you sent me earlier.:biggrin:
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Jeremey, you and I both know that 2 days ago you did not have that graphic up and that you copied it from my site. Prior to the disagreement with Pangaea, you had a horrible graphic up. So you can come up with whatever excuse that you want, but you know what you did.

What do they feed you guys in Utah anyways? I am whats wrong with this industry? Because I used a stock image?
You should call your "web designer" and get your money back, I am seriously laughing at you right now. Did Palmer and Associates steal "your" image too? Your two sites look quite a bit alike, and even more like a template site. Is your web designer a Quotit employee?
Maybe you should change your site, oh that's right you can't. You need a designer!
This is the internet! Take the time you spend on this site and use it to learn how the internet works.
That's some free advice. Go cry to the owner of this website to get me kicked off. You are a whiny fool.