Free Leads

You are also able to go back and listen to every conversation and critique yourself.

This is an incredibly valuable tool in helping an agent perfect his/her approach over the phone. Too many agents who are new to this type of selling are letting sales slip through their fingers and don't have a clue how much business they are missing out on.

When I train agents I stress the importance of evaluating each phone call after they hang up. To make notes about what they feel they did right and how to improve the places where they may have stumbled a little.

I also tell them that the timing with which they say things can be just as important, if not more so, than what they say. The only way to perfect this is to listen to the conversation again after they hang up.

The agent is going to get one opportunity to make a first impression on the prospect who just called. What the agent says in the first ten to fifteen seconds of the call is critical. It better be perfect and well rehearsed to the point that is sounds very smooth, conversational and peaks the prospects interest.
Can you give an example? I usually just start babbling in the phone like a lunatic, until they start laughing, then we get down to business.

I can but not very easily here.

Typing is a very poor substitute for speaking. I can hand ten people the same "script" and have them read it out loud and unless they actually hear it being said with the proper inflection in their voice and correct timing with which it is said none of them will get it right.

When I train agents I suggest that they not pick up the phone until they have practiced this so it sounds very conversational.

Babbling can work very well assuming you have a prospect who is also a "babbler" and sees the humor in it.

If you would like, give me a call and I will share what I say and how I say it. It is specifically directed at cold calling for Med Supps but can easily be adapted to other insurance products as well.
With live transfer leads I like to start out with something like this. name is____ and I will be helping you today. Can I get you name and number in case we get disconnected?

(name) thanks for taking the time to find out about life insurance today. Is this something you've been thinking about for awhile?

From there I like to find out who they will be leaving this for and if they also need protection. Then I let the rest of the call play itself out.
The best lead companies with give instruction, scripts and training on how to close their leads.

Otherwise they are just selling a name and a number.:D

When practicing scripts, read it in to a voice recorder and transcribe it 5x. it'll start to sound like you. handle most common objections before they come up. (ie. i know your too busy but i knew i'd catch you...)
When practicing scripts, read it in to a voice recorder and transcribe it 5x. it'll start to sound like you. handle most common objections before they come up. (ie. i know your too busy but i knew i'd catch you...)

That's a good idea about the voice recorder. Practicing your script until it sounds natural is a big part of the puzzle.
It is

You left the r out of it, in case anyone wants to look at it.

Also their prices on their website are a lot more then 1.50. Is this your discount or what.

This is what is on their website on prices.

200 Transfers – Average Cost Per Transfer $3.95 ( $790.00)
300 Transfers – Average Cost Per Transfer $3.45 ($1035.00)
400 Transfers – Average Cost Per Transfer $3.35 ($1340.00)
500 Transfers – Average Cost Per Transfer $3.29 ($1645.00)
650 Transfers – Average Cost Per Transfer $2.99 ($1943.50)
You have to be careful with the public domain transfers, some of them are people asking not to be called again, and you pay for it.
When someone presses "1" to be transferred they will either ask to be removed, want to tell you to ^%^&, or they are interested in what you have to offer.

If you just wanted to pay for the "good" transfers, the price would have to be $30 or more.

What some agents do is hire someone to answer the transfers and weed through them. This way the agent is only selling.

LiveLeads360 - Live Transfer Insurance Leads