Free Webinar: Building Wordpress Sites

Hah, no. The domain name I purchased was for a term that when I did keyword research came up as something that could gain page 1 position for the term.

The other sites which are on page one only have 2 that use the term in the URL, only 1 that targets the term properly, 2 sites are less than 3 years old, and only 2 were over pr 4.

The keyword research suggests the term, if a website is done correctly about it, it could actually rank on page 1 eventually, and generate leads.

Thats not the actual keyword, the actual keyword I'm targeting is a term life insurance longtail, which is something I'm going to explain in the webinar also, because deciphering the keyword research is something people also need to understand how to do.

I could probably write 10 or 15 pages on just how to target keywords.
Short answer, you can take market samurai combined with scrapebox and get a list of the keywords, but you have to also onsite optimize pages and posts to target those, and then if you really want an effect you have to backlink those.

I like to take the keyword suggest tool in scrapebox, then make it run 5 rounds of taking the keywords suggested, copying them into the scraping window, ect, then remove duplicates, then paste into market samurai keyword suggest.

Then I have market samurai use the keyword suggest tool to analyze the keywords.

I don't use the base settings, and it depends on the potential commission per sale what I set the floor for search volume to and the max for the SEOC setting in market samurai.

The real trick to it is develop criteria to look for, then do the same actions on the criteria you establish, then look for results.

Just as a suggestion, if you have those softwares, try running the SEOC setting at 100k, the traffic estimate at 10/day, then blogging about the list of resulting keywords. If the seoc is over 150k but under 300k, and traffic estimate is over 50 a day, then you might try to make pages about that.

Those aren't my exact settings, but they're a good base generic way to find usable keywords.

The difference between good science and bad science is that you can test the result of your hypothesis.

Think when you're doing something, can I test to see if this achieves a result?

If you can't, then something needs to be put into place to test with.

SEO is just like landing pages and scripts, you can AB test it.
the actual keyword I'm targeting is a term life insurance longtail

This is even worse.

"term life insurance longtail" get ZERO searches. Now I know this is a scam.

I feel like Chumps. Turn back before it is too late!
i felt sarcasm in the first post. now i see im being led under a bridge.

Sorry, can't hear you. Must be that AM broadcast frequency.

I can't hear you in tunnels either.
At 2:00 pm Eastern, what time will it be in Central? I always screw that conversion up.
At 2:00 pm Eastern, what time will it be in Central? I always screw that conversion up.

The same time as Eastern, but an hour earlier.

You get to see the webinar before it happens. How cool is that?
I would be happy to take that website off of your hands.



As a bit of explaining on the giveaway.

I already bought a domain name. It is keyword optimized for a vulnerable national life insurance term.

Site has potential for page 1 placement if worked correctly.

There is another slight catch.

You have to be ok with your new domain being used for a few webinars, showing different features, how to enable them, and being worked on in the webinars for everyone to see, starting with basic setup, up to plugins, keyword targeting, adding images, changing themes, etc.

Estimated total prize value between 28.99 and 1 million dollars, depending on what you make of it after I'm finished.

After the 6-8 webinars, the domain and site is officially yours.

You can use it in the interim, add content, etc, in fact in encourage it, however it will be used for demonstrations till the webinars are all done.

By time I'm finished, it will have a logo, url, proper tags, some graphics, a landing page form, a few pages of relevant data, blog posts, and a half decent theme.

Plus my new hosting kicks ass, its a 50ms average ping.

I much prefer that the site goes to someone without a website.
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I think that makes it sometime around beer thirty in texas.
Apologize for not being able to answer questions after the webinar, gotowebinar decided it didnt want me to unmute anyone.

Either their fault (it said it was a server issue) or my fault for not using windows.

If anyone did have questions i'd be happy to answer, also if any of you want a copy of the keyword research sheet and further explanation of that, I'll post that up in the ILIAA.
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And since Lee asked, and needs a website, Lee wins.

I'll be doing further things to his website, more on keywords next including tracking of performance, adding a theme and pages next, then on to more advanced topics like rss ping modification, integration with facebook and twitter, then adding an actual landing page on the front with contact form.
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