Gatekeepers at Businesses

A receptionist could very well be low hanging fruit. While you are hoping to land the whale you could very easily pick up other business along the way.

But there is no reason to expect a big game hunter to fool with the easy stuff.

FWIW, I have bagged a few elephants over the years including one that paid me over $250,000 over a 6 year period. But most of the money I have made has come from serving the masses, especially those in niche markets.

No reason to learn from me, or others who have been down the same path before you. We obviously have nothing of value to offer.

Don't misunderstand, I practice the concept of "serve the masses, eat with the classes.". I will write anybody and everybody as long as they love their family, are open-minded, and are motivated. I choose to target business owners because they have bigger resources. When cold calling, I am using this language because it gives me the greatest chance of success of getting through to the business owner. When I'm door-knocking I'm always going to chat up the receptionist. I have opened many cases this way.