Get Your Free Birth Control ...

I think God Everyday that my father was too cheap to buy a condom, or I would not be here today.

Same thing with my mom, she didnt need any stinky birth control, LOL

Bottom line is nothing is free. They will just increase your bill next time and add it in somewhere else. Now everyone will have to pay for the ones that need it.
Sebelius is becoming dilusional with her comments. "Lets treat unborns like the flu/Preventative care..." this should be a personal decision/purchase and not a govt mandate (IMO).
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This is nothing more than a political move designed to attract the female votes. Much of the news reports focus on the contraception and it's value to society. But this provision also allows for Well Woman Visits, Gestational Diabetes Screening, HPV Screening, Counselling for std's (but only for sexually active females!), contraceptive counselling, and domestic violence screening and counselling.

The least they could do for men is to add screening and counselling for "nagitist".
The do-nothing,want everything free breeders, will never use free birth control. They get paid to have babies;more babies equals a bigger check.They would rather have the money,and not have to work.
The do-nothing,want everything free breeders, will never use free birth control. They get paid to have babies;more babies equals a bigger check.They would rather have the money,and not have to work.

If benefits are to include free birth control, one could make the argument that welfare benefits for additional children can be scaled back now that not using is a "conscious choice." Additionally, it should reduce abortions, so it should please everyone.