Glen Beck Fri. 5 PM EST


1000 Post Club
Watch Take Back Medicine physicians on Glenn Beck today 5pm EDT
Glenn's show tonight on the Fox News Channel is a titled, "Obama Care: A Second Opinion." He will have a live audience of physicians participating in the show. Among the participants are AAPS Board of Directors member, Richard Amerling, M.D., and AAPS member, David McKalip, M.D. If you miss the 5pm show, it will be repeated at 2am Eastern Daylight Time.
Re: * Glen Beck Fri. 5Pm EST

Is this a neocon alert?

It is for party members only.
If you do not currently have a six figure income you are not authorized to view it.
Cable TV records will be cross referenced through the I.R.S.
Violators will be required, by one of our N.R.A member's at gun point if necessary, to shave ALoser3times' chicken bag while wearing a too too, during an open airing of Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries at the decibel level and public venue of our choosing to be designated at a later date also of our choosing.

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Re: * Glen Beck Fri. 5Pm EST

It is for party members only.
If you do not currently have a six figure income you are not authorized to view it.
Cable TV records will be cross referenced through the I.R.S.
Violators will be required, by one of our N.R.A member's at gun point if necessary, to shave ALoser3times' chicken bag while wearing a too too, during an open airing of Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries at the decibel level and public venue of our choosing to be designated at a later date also of our choosing.

Now that just made me laugh out loud... and the Glenn Beck Episode Was great too. Let some REAL doctors speak... can you believe there were even people who disagreed with him
Re: * Glen Beck Fri. 5Pm EST

Now that just made me laugh out loud... and the Glenn Beck Episode Was great too. Let some REAL doctors speak... can you believe there were even people who disagreed with him

Just watched that Beck show on YouTube.
Don't watch a lot of TV outside of Netflix, etc. and forgot that I don't have freak'n cable anymore …
They chopped it up into 4 video segments.

I like the way the idealistic med. students have it all figured out?
It is so simple when you are young isn't it? Good and bad. Black and white, etc.
"We can cut administrative costs by removing the ins. companies and letting the govt. take care of it …?"
Of course the doctors that have actually been practicing medicine and dealing with medicare, by and large, did not agree.
Lawyers bad. Insurance companies bad.
Me Doctor. I have good heart … ughhhh.
Notable also was the German doc. who stated that Germany learned its lesson and is moving towards private health insurance ala Canada.
The scary thing is that young people can do things like vote … make babies before they know what they are getting into, etc. Thank goodness most of them don't contribute much to the tax base otherwise we'd be up poop creek I reckon.
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Re: * Glen Beck Fri. 5Pm EST

The med students were great "Well how do you know we cant make a govt system work" -Quote from one of the students

I loved the idealistic view he had... guess he didn't pay attention in his history classes. History has shown that whenever government tries to run something...even specifically in America... It fails. How many social experiments must be conducted before our entire system collapses.
Re: * Glen Beck Fri. 5Pm EST

I think the med students like obamacare because he wants to pay for all their couple 100k in student loans... little do they know they are destitute to a life of a government slave if the messiah gets his way.
Re: * Glen Beck Fri. 5Pm EST

I think the med students like obamacare because he wants to pay for all their couple 100k in student loans... little do they know they are destitute to a life of a government slave if the messiah gets his way.

That's only for primary care docs.
Same thing with teachers like 20 years ago. Like 90% didn't get these loans paid by the govt.
The teachers also had to teach in whatever area of the country there was a shortage. Don't like Kentucky ... tough t*tty said the kitty.
These of course were loans of only 20 - $50,000 if you see where I'm go'n?
Re: * Glen Beck Fri. 5Pm EST

Well that's tough to swallow when your going to an idealistic super liberal school.... the government will fix all of our problems we just need to sit back and say thanks to our wonderful savior! Ha! This is such a load... just get the F* outta my world and let me be my demise or success thats ALL I want!

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