Income too high, plan expensive, client offered "Association Group PPO" family of 4, $500/mo.

.I like being the lone wolf.

Personally I think you are more like Beowulf.

(That is not an insult... you will have to look it up to understand why. Better yet, read the 3,000+ line poem.)

I'm sure you see both Greensky and Somarco as Grendel (which in one case is a somewhat fitting personification!)
I have difficulty remembering back to Nov 1976 but I am reasonably sure I knew more about the insurance business then than Bot39
Some plans may have the word "premium" and some plans may not have the word "premium." The Non-Insurance Industry is moving away from the Traditional Insurance Industry by using different terms. They have to make sure people do not think they are buying insurance. If people buy these plans thinking they are insurance, the government might shut them down. Here are a few examples:
Insurance Agent Premium = Non-Insurance Industry (Monthly Fee or Monthly Contribution)
Insurance Agent Coinsurance = Non-Insurance Industry (Co-expense)
Insurance Agent Deductible = Non-Insurance Industry (Member Shared Responsibility Amount)
To me, it seems like this is fake insurance. However, the IRS Code 501C3 allows the companies to operate in the United States under a nonprofit status. To become a nonprofit, I think you need a "mission statement." This is why you find the religious statements like.....We believe that....etc..

So, it's really cool if you trick people by using different words, huh? "Co-expense" instead of "co-insurance", and "Monthly Fee" instead of "Premium". Is that honest and forthright? Reminds me of someone who said, "It depends on what the meaning of the word is is." That went over well.