Google Plus Becoming Yet Another Company Failure

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
It's like an unpopular president - you can't find a single person willing to admit they voted from them.

Likewise, I can't find a single person who uses Google Plus. Can you? Neither can anyone else:

Vic Gundotra, Google's Social Chief, Explains What Google+ Is (But Not Why To Use It)

This is yet another Google sinking ship. It's the states of grief. First is denial. From the mouth of Google, it's a robust thriving community. That's been disproven by....well, everyone.

Right now Google's into stage 3; bargaining: "If you use Plus good things will happen. Really. They will. Please use us. Are you using us yet?"

Two more stages to go.
I am predicting a strong bump in use when android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) becomes standard OS for 60% of the cellphone market.

Google made ICS have standard sync features into google+. You take a picture, it puts it in your share folder. You make a new contact, it puts it in google+ so you can put it in a circle.

The integration of the phone with google plus, in addition to them breaking facebook integration all the time on purpose will probably shift it somewhat.

Just because noone uses it quite yet doesn't mean its a total failure.

Just wait till Microsoft starts pushing Facebook into stupid town. Microsoft isn't necessarily known for their genius innovation.

I think they should have held off launching google+ till they finished ICS integration so it was intrinsically built into the phone, launching out of order made them have a mountain of people who already declared them dead to overcome. They released before they finished features.. never a good idea.
I've read (but not fully investigated) about the new (non) privacy policies of Google. I hear that if you are signed on to your Google account, everything you do on the your computer is cataloged and saved by them. For all I know, they have spy-cookies on your computer now that reports back to them whether you are logged on or not... especially when using their browser.

I'm not sure what Google+ is, but since I'm the only person left on the planet without a Twitter account and still alive, I don't see where I need whatever this Google service is.

I am here
John, your writing style cracks me up. "Yet another company failure." Google is extremely innovative and is very willing to try things. Not all of their products succeed, but if someone didn't know who Google was (however impossible that may seem), I think they'd believe Google has a long line of failures and was a struggling company. Methinks they are extremely successful and likely one of the top 10 innovators in technology.
"yet another company failure" is dead on. Sorry.

Call it what you will, but regardless of how much of a failure google+ is or isn't, Google is a leading innovator in technology. Perhaps one of their greatest strengths is their ability to try things out. There developer conferences are pretty fascinating and help encourage an environment that leads to new technologies vs waiting years to release technology that's incomplete and flawed, like windows.

If you're interested in such things, Google has quite a few products that never really took off while in pursuit of the next big thing.

I have a MacBook Pro (ok, two), a PC, an android tablet, and an android based phone, all of which I can send and receive googlechat messages with interchangeably without missing a single message and the text will carry from device to device. That's sort of a big deal. I can be chatting with someone, hope in the car and continue the conversation (of course not while driving), sit down at a computer at a desk, hop back in the car, come back to the home office, and just keep going from device to device seamlessly. That's just one of the google products that didn't fail.

Pretty impressive stuff.
Paul Allen - Google+ - Google+ Growth Accelerating. Passes 62 million users.…

85 million user failure.

The integrations are pushing membership.

When people start having it built into 60% of phones and it automatically uses google plus instead of facebook and requires extra steps for facebook, it'll cause a bit of a shift.

It's a looming threat to facebook, even if you want to ignore it, and its one of the reasons I wanted to buy a bunch of facebook stock, watch it go up about 15%, and dump it before the risk of a 80 million person social network with three times the development staff and control of most of the internet starts eating their revenues.