- 977
That has happened for years with most direct client, and also agents back in the day that could bind without a CLUE &MVR. It will state somewhere in the app that is bound blah blah blah and basically anything found after that can cause an increase.
But most don't understand that or read the fine print, I mean why would they they want quick and cheap.
It always has blown my mind that you can't sell insurance without a license but the regular joe can purchase direct with no clue and all is OK.
Pretty nice set up for the online carrier basically no worries of the DOI or a lawsuits
I had a similar situation Friday. It worries me still now. Had someone purchasing a car who couldnt get their agent to respond but needed proof of collision before taking the car off the lot. I had to be the man of the hour to get the sale. Got them a GREAT rate for not having 6 months prior, but the DMV was experiencing an outage. I was allowed to bind coverage with mvr being ordered next week, but it concerns me what will happen then. Too many people who either aren't truthful, or have a REALLY bad memory.