Google to Sell Insurance

I came across this thread a few weeks ago and have been thinking long and hard about all the different comments. Lots of times we want to bitch and complain or just live in fear. We have to remember we have the power still with the large national carriers (travelers, MetLife, SafeCo, etc). Let's stop bitching and put our heads together. Think about how many of us there are! We as independent agents need to come together and creat our own groups or online websites to figure out ways to push back against the large carriers from doing business with Google and Amazon. They need us to sell for them or they will go under. We need to take things to the extreme and come together. If you are in a cluster (SIAA, First Choice, etc) pressure them to tell the carriers we will push back. How? Do public campaigns in our communities about how big companies are closing down even more small businesses, have a day where we tell all agents to post on those carriers social media pages about what their doing to our small agencies, get the media involved they stories about big business hurting the small guy, start groups on Facebook and Twitter and bring in thousands of independent agents, and many other things! We have strength in our large numbers! Let's stop complaining and make **** happen! Remember they need us to sell their products. The American people I think are getting fed up with these big companies. If every independent agent in America spent $500 in a year on marketing to spread the word about this our customers would support us 100%. I know a few of you will comment back and say I'm a dreamer or a dumb ass. I ask that you not respond because that negativity takes us from why we are even on this forum. To learn, prosper and support one another! You

Very well said!
You guys see Walmart now offers insurance? I wouldn't consider Walmart a real threat but just another example of how our carriers will do anything to write new business.
FE would be a good market segment for WalMart
An agency could be tucked between the nail salon and eyeglass shop! Shoot... I'll put a pullout sofa in the back and never leave. headlines: Insurance agent lives inside Walmart for 20 years. "We just thought he was really dedicated to his job"
The real story here is, all carriers are whores and goto any lengths to get market share, even Walmart. what has this industry come to!
The real story here is, all carriers are whores and goto any lengths to get market share, even Walmart. what has this industry come to!

Yep- I think we "win" by A) going back old school to the days of hunters vs. gatherers. The "ladies" ( I am really talking about men) who stay in the village behind a computer are going to start fading a way. Those that go out hunting and develop one-on-ones with people will live to eat another day. B) diversification. We can't be all things to all people. However, We need to have multiple targeted markets.
I concur, esurance, geico and other directs... Is no concern to me. However, Google will not be acting as a carrier but a comparative quoting site. Where insureds will quote and bind with the very same carriers we have access to. You can not compare esurance to Google. Esurance does not have the fraction of the data Google has on everyone. Esurance also does not have the ability to take off local agencies from Google insurance searches.

Is Google's system going to run a MVR and CLUE report to adjust the rates accordingly?

I am wondering because I had a customer buy insurance online because she found a better rate than me. She was 30 years old but a new driver she had prior insurance but only two months, also several moving violations from the first time she had a permit. She bought it and two weeks later her bill arrived for 3x what she was quoted. She came back to me in tears begging for help.
Is Google's system going to run a MVR and CLUE report to adjust the rates accordingly? I am wondering because I had a customer buy insurance online because she found a better rate than me. She was 30 years old but a new driver she had prior insurance but only two months, also several moving violations from the first time she had a permit. She bought it and two weeks later her bill arrived for 3x what she was quoted. She came back to me in tears begging for help.
That has happened for years with most direct client, and also agents back in the day that could bind without a CLUE &MVR. It will state somewhere in the app that is bound blah blah blah and basically anything found after that can cause an increase.
But most don't understand that or read the fine print, I mean why would they they want quick and cheap.
It always has blown my mind that you can't sell insurance without a license but the regular joe can purchase direct with no clue and all is OK.
Pretty nice set up for the online carrier basically no worries of the DOI or a lawsuits