GOP "Delay Individual Mandate"

Un-necessary my bootay! Tell that to Mr. Whitman who didn't have to pay his $5,000 major med deductible after a spider bite, because he had one dem "UN necessary" ancelary $5,000 Injury policy. He was one happy/thankful Mofo...bro. Happens all da time. Can ser and hart salvation ancelaries r smart 2!

Besides, HHS owns yo bawlz with xchange plans u sold. Smart $$ is multeepull streems of income.
:yes: -ac

why you going all Chicago gang getto speak on me Big A... all I had happen was auto correct with the ipad.....

and again, we disagree on the goofy xtra products
How the H can ya'll get someone to by ancillary indemnity products when health insurance premiums are this high? Make your sales in the bars at like 2 am? :)

It's a cool and groovy product called the High Deductible Health Plan.....HSA baby! A bit higher deductible lowers the premium, add on the accident and illness plans for peanuts and now those that only go to the doctor a couple times a year have HSA $$ to pay for that and ancillary $$ for when they have an accident and break a bone or get some nasty disease that puts them up in the hospital. How can you not sell these?
why you going all Chicago gang getto speak on me Big A... all I had happen was auto correct with the ipad.....

Now I understand. You purchased your I-Pad from the Black Disciple gang with hood-auto-correct installed. Sorry for mis-interpreting your motivation Taterpeeler!
Hospital Indemnity plans over High Deductible plans is a good idea, we've been doing it for a few months and have had a great response (lowers cost compared to an EPO, exposure is near the same).

Plus, our major carrier cut all commissions on their EPO products, so our brokers were happy to move to a HD+HI product that had commission on both products.
It's a cool and groovy product called the High Deductible Health Plan.....HSA baby! A bit higher deductible lowers the premium, add on the accident and illness plans for peanuts and now those that only go to the doctor a couple times a year have HSA $$ to pay for that and ancillary $$ for when they have an accident and break a bone or get some nasty disease that puts them up in the hospital. How can you not sell these?

Sure when the HSA premiums are $400 plus a month for most familys in michigan less than half use the HSA account because they can't afford to put the $ in it.