They advertise 6 free quotes, but they only have 4 companies approved for sale in CA. (of the ones listed on their site)
Looks like a tough system to me.
You are WAY over analyzing this. It really does not matter what is advertised and how many companies that LTCFP is contracted with. The purpose of the ad is solely to generate a quote request. Once the request is generated the agent follows up and can cherry pick the companies to show in Stratecision software. So, the agent can show Omaha, Hancock, Medamerica, Transamerica, Life Secure, and United Security...or whomever....really does not matter. The goal of the internet PPC ad is only to produce the lead. Nothing more, Nothing less.
If companies are not available in CA, the agent just shows what is available.
It is not a tough system at all.
The consumer seeks quotes; the LTCFP agent follows up and sells a policy with the companies the LTCFP agent is able to sell. The LTCFP agent will not advertise it is limited and does not have access to Genworth, Mass Mutual, NY Life, John Hancock,etc.
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