HC.gov Problems Persist

SEP eligible due to DUI incarceration.

That's something you don't see every day. Maybe I should tell my next woman that is preggers to get a DUI so she can buy insurance.
Or watch the news to realize that if you don't utilize OEP you are out of luck til January...

Sorry, but the amount of the money that went into educating people on getting coverage, the news coverage and for them to STILL say "I didn't know" drives me crazy. I don't have any sympathy.

And for all the agents who said "DON'T DO ANYTHING. OBAMACARE is the DEVIL", well I hope none of their clients get prego on an individual plan. That's an E&O claim waiting to happen.

What makes an app give a SEP but no subsidy when clearly the family qualifies?
Have one now. Leaving job 6/30/14. Eligible 7/1/14
Could it be doing app more than 30 days out?
Will delete current app, start again.
Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!
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What makes an app give a SEP but no subsidy when clearly the family qualifies?
Have one now. Leaving job 6/30/14. Eligible 7/1/14
Could it be doing app more than 30 days out?
Will delete current app, start again.
Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!

I just did a very similar situation last week with no issues....got the SEP, the subsidy and CSR credits all for a 7/1 effective date. Let us know how it turns out.

What makes an app give a SEP but no subsidy when clearly the family qualifies?
Have one now. Leaving job 6/30/14. Eligible 7/1/14
Could it be doing app more than 30 days out?
Will delete current app, start again.
Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!

These are when I call and do it over the phone. The hold time is less than 5 minutes and its quicker than trying to figure what's wrong their system today....
I had a client enroll in an Off Exchange plan over the weekend but it was better for their 22 year old daughter to get a subsidized plan-the site was down on Saturday so all attempts to confirm an email address were a waste a time but on Monday morning I set up a new account, confirmed the email address, and went all the way through the enrollment process in about 30 minutes.

Of course I don't know if I will ever get paid (Aetna was the insurer) but will be more open to running subsidy-based apps in the future for those below 250% FPL
Now all my Humana clients in MS are coming back to me saying "My Dr said he isn't taking that insurance"...

Most irritating part is that I checked each provider before I set the client up with that coverage..

Call into Humana Tomorrow AM...Really excited :mad:
and went all the way through the enrollment process in about 30 minutes.

.......but will be more open to running subsidy-based apps in the future for those below 250% FPL

Looks like mack daddy is finally hooked on the CSR / APTC gravy train..............yeehaw