Health Producers, Business Strategy?

Looking at these bills, plus all the other stupid things going on in DC makes it very clear the economy is about to implode.

Well, I've been very frugal and have saved $11,493 over the past 6 years. And my house is actually worth more than I owe!

In addition, I'm pretty sure I'll be the next Insurance Commissioner in California. That job pays about $140K but I'm sure there are some other monetary benefits, isn't that correct Anthem, Aetna, UHC? But best of all, I'll be living almost next door to Al.

WOW HealthAgent! Your have all the luck! LOL!!

Well if they do a GEICO like thing it won't be too bad for some agents as GEICO does pay a base + commissions if you want to go that route. IF you are going to stay independent, then who knows.

BUT again, IF your saying then it will be a one size fits all plan then no need for agents not even GEICO style. More auto enroll like Medicare A&B.

IF they don't have a 1 size fits all, then I see a MA style enrollment type of thing where agents would be needed. And that being said "To Preserve Profits, Medicare Advantage Plans Turn to Medical Management" article in Insurance News.

Even in Massachusetts, where they have a form of Universal Health Care, don't agents enroll people?
In about a week I'm not going to have a care in the world. A Nigerian price is wiring 1.5 million into my account. Actually, I sent him the 15K a month ago so I don't know what the hangup is.

Excellent. You certainly could teach Mr. Obama a thing or two about financial planning. He put a trillion dollars in a stimulus account and we never got it back.
Stupak caved- what the hell are you health insurance sales critters gonna do now????
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Should we even go into the office tomorrow????
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I have to admit, I don't know how to proceed with health now. I'm really really confused. I would think this legislation changes everything now. I was hoping health would be a nice 'in' to discuss other concerns the client might have such as life or finding monies that may be suitable for annuities. I don't even see how HSA's would have a place in the market anymore as well. Need less to say this is very depressing. No doubt reform was needed but I'm pretty sure this wasn't the answer we or most Americans were looking for. I can't believe I voted for this *** too. Not that my vote changed anything but I do believe America was hood-winked if that is the right terminology. :mad:
On a side note, I can't say that I actually predicted the recession but among friends I did say at countless get-togethers that there would be a collapse and everyone thought I was nuts. This was when housing just started to take a dive. Roughly 2 years later after I started saying this we were at financial Armageddon if we didn't do the bailouts (supposed bailouts).

I also have stated and am on the record, that states will eventually succeed from the union. I think this Bill is a good start and already lawsuits are going forward as we all know. One good way to erase the national debt would be an unraveling of the states from DC. Another words, every state would become its own country. I still think this will happen with Texas being the first probably. Similar to the collapse of the Soviet Union.