Health Producers, Business Strategy?

This is what I was looking for, thoughts on the Bill (that still has the Senate to go) and how it would affect agents, Exchange I have no clue how that works, but again if anything is similar to Medicare Supps or MA's then I see how it will work.

Will people be lazy about getting HI until they are forced to? Some will some won't, my guess is more will wait and gamble.

I still think even with an Exchange, the plans need to be explained thus an agent getting a commissions to explain and sign up because to me Exchange doesn't seem like a 1 size fits all model.

What I don't get, and this is not a Republican bash, but why would anyone feel being able to cross state lines to by HI would work anyway? Meaning, If it's not accepted by the doctor or hospital isn't in the network it would be worthless. Unless they made it like Medicare, Universal. So that argument was lost on me because they were not advocating Universal plan or Medicare for all.

Anyone have thoughts on that? As I'm sure when Republicans take get there shot at the White House, Congress and Senate that will be a change to the Bill.

And if the chicken little comment was towards me, I'm not in a panic mode or anything, just wanted opinions and discussion on how agents fit in to the overall picture. As of right now it's all new.
with all the FREE healthcare coming,

Depends on how you define FREE.

Could be wrong, but I believe the subsidy is in the form of tax credits. Just like the home buyers tax credit, business new hires tax credit, COBRA subsidy tax credit . . . anyone taking advantage of those programs must first shell out the money, then take the credit against taxes owed when they file their return.

Say you buy an Obamapolicy in January. If this is like other tax credits, you pay a years worth of very high premiums, then file your taxes the following year and wait on the rebate.

How many can afford that?

Those that move on to the welfare rolls (Medicaid) are a different story. But for the rest of us, earning up to $80k or so (family of 4) will have to wait until the following year to get our subsidy.

At least that is the way I read it.
I'd want to read more about how the credits will work. If that's the case it'll be a cataclysmic failure. The only other way to do it would be to force the carriers to charge at the credited rate and the gov't compensates the carriers directly.
That's how I read it as well. So the family of four making 35k per year...will have to pay $300-$800 per month...and get reimbursed the following year.

Of course...they could drastically raise their personal exemptions and get the money every week instead of waiting.

But few will do that.

WebNanny was used in this post
The only other way to do it would be to force the carriers to charge at the credited rate and the gov't compensates the carriers directly.

Do you really think the Carrier will wait on the Government to pay them? Government is a good paymaster but...that's a lot.
Yeah but overall carriers have more power, money and influence then a typical business. BUT I do see your point.

I am really curious as to see it all play out in reality, now that is almost here.
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Okay now my next questions is, What is a HI exchange???? And 2 versions passed will sign 1st one tomorrow. Crazy.
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Well, with all the FREE healthcare coming, thats our market then. Sell the subsidized plans at 5% commission, sign up everybody that moves - about 1/2 the country is going to have a subsidized plan. Our taxes are going to go up astronomically, its all good isnt it?

With all respect, and for our own benefit only.
I don't see how "everyone" is going to have a "subsidice" plan. Let's be realistic. Many people has insurance thru their employer, I don't see why they would like to change that, specially when they only pay part or non of the monthly premium, specially if the goverment is going to cover part of the expenses of the employer, that can be translated into a benefit for us if we know how to deal with that "offering better plans, owner can still save money and have happier employees" one idea... the 32 million people that has no coverage now is for three main reasons, 1- they don't want to (they will have to have now) can't we work with them? most likely yes! 2- people who can't have it (pre-x, decline, etc) can't we work with them? most likely yes! 3-they are broke!!! (right now we don't even think about them) can we think about them in the future when the goverment pays for part of the cost? most likely Yes! I might be too optimistic or a dreamer, I doubt it. I'm a down to earth man, willing to give the benefit of the doubt to something that is a lot better than what we have now. This country needed this change, I know it will have flows, problems, mistakes and all the bad things you might want to add, but guys, we are already F$%ed. Don't you feel sorry for all the people you speak in a daily basis that have an autist kid, a diabetic father, a damn carpal tunnel problem! and they are "decline" I do!!! damn I do. Specially when I see at the end of the year that such and such company had a profit of x millions of dollars!!! Yes, we need to make money, yes we have to, but people, our industry is a life or death industry! can't we work things the way we all get a beneffit? YES WE CAN!
As someone said before, the only reason I see to be out of business is "if there is no commision"
Whatever we say now will be right or wrong in the following months/years. Time will tell the truth.
meanwhile... I'll keep myself learning, working ad specially watching the game, and if they let me, damn I'll go to the arena and play!!!
good day everyone.
From the research I did yesterday, the carriers will receive the subsidy and the clients will only pay the subsidized amount.

This makes sense since Congress knows there's a zero chance anyone earning, for example, 150% of FLP can front thousands in premiums.

If this wasn't done it would kill our careers. That is, unless you think you can find clients earning $40,000 to pay $1,500/mo premiums and tell them to wait a year to get reimbursed.

Most gov't programs have worked this way in the past; COBRA and cash for clunkers. People didn't trade in their clunker and wait a year for the refund. The onus was put on the dealers.
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