Health Producers, Business Strategy?

Commission changes will be miniscule until Guaranteed Issue and that isnt until 2014. Chicken Little is running amok on this board. Watch out for falling sky LOL
John: I'm still in business, so respectfully not so fast. Devil's Advocate: Long term how do any of us earn a living selling in an exchange? And in the short term, there is going to be massive flux in the market: nobody has been buying health insurance now and going forward nobody is going to buy squat. They are now waiting for their free Obama healthcare lunch. People don't understand the implementation of this money pit is going to take years. Not trying to be alarmist but seriously: I think our country with this astronomical spending is F'KED.
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If there are commissions, I will be in business. Period. The only scenario I see where I'm out of business is if there are no commissions.

Not a single one of my clients needs me to apply for MHIP - yet I write around 3 per week that literally fall in my lap. If all I did was focus on MHIP - that was my entire job - I'd write 5 a day.
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Well, with all the FREE healthcare coming, thats our market then. Sell the subsidized plans at 5% commission, sign up everybody that moves - about 1/2 the country is going to have a subsidized plan. Our taxes are going to go up astronomically, its all good isnt it?
Ok, lets throw up our shingles on Main St. our town USA now and get visible. Sign up everybody that walks by. Hand out flyers that say come on in and get your free Obama care. Should be fun. John, you and I will be working for Obama. Obama agents in his downline. I always wanted a government job.