Health Producers, Business Strategy?

I'll 2nd your thoughts. Unless I'm suffering from senility, this is what he promised as a campaigner.

Mostly true except the process counts for many and there is no relationship whatsoever between what he promised in regard to transparency and bipartisanship and what we got. None.

Public hearings on the most major bill since Medicare? None. Zero. Zilch.

Broadcast on C-Span before the Senate and House votes? None. Zero Zilch.

Republican inclusion and support that he said he could garner unlike Hillary:? None. Zero. Zilch.

Freedom from corruption, backroom dealmaking and business as usual in Washington as promised? Complete disaster. Integrity of the Senate and House were plummetted to all time low.

Ability to walk and chew gum and handle multiple issues while promoting health care as promised in debates with McCain? None. Zero. Zilch. Focus on the economy, immigration, national security, and foreign affairs has gone completely to hell and has played second fiddle to this year long circus.

Ability to deliver what the people wanted and listen to them rather than to special interests? Zero, Zilch, None. Polls show that the public does not want what he has decided they do want and will have. He knows what is best for them.

Ability to deliver a deficit/debt neutral plan: Don't even go there. Resulting plan is not even on the same planet with that promise and the people see that and so does the CBO when you remove the medicare double counting and the taking of the doc-fix offline.

Etc, etc.
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If TX or other states succeed at seceding that's all well and good. My questions remains, WIHCGO, What Is Health Care Gonna Do? Does anyone see the need for agents for people under 65? Will this change Medicare for those over 65? Will health agents be DOA?
we will be fine... meaning the old timers like me that live on earned commission. i feel the sellers who push the tricked up limited plans and right start type... uni. amer. u know who they are.. they are dead as of very soon... old timers will keep selling health... we may get cut 5% but thats it. so we will get 15% not 20 or 25% and the 33% i get with assurant. 15% sounds about right.

I think it will take about 4 months for carriers to produce new plans and we will most likely be dead until then... thats ok, we have time to deal with other things...

I think we are gonna be fine, if you are an old time vet that is

relax boys and girls.... we will live, i put my almost 20 years in this biz behind it

also dosent hurt im on page one will all the search terms either... i think there is the future
u watch... read the bill... there are loopholes... watch and see... remember, i served 3 terms in politics... u watch...

i may be off by a few points... but not much... could be 13% or 10% level... but close to 15%....

15% first year and 6% renewal or 13% level... we will be there