Health Sherpa 2016 Open Enrollment

I have no idea. I'm guessing you can, but the question becomes how do you get yourself added.

I called UHC broker services and was told that if it has been more than 24 hours then the marketplace already processed the application and that removing the application will not work. It will only remove it from being able to view it online. Once processed, the application is forwarded to UHC and the broker of record won't be able to be changed for 1 year. She said the best thing to do would be to call the marketplace, explain the situation, and hope they make the AOR change. I am skeptical if any of this information is in fact trustworthy. I feel really scammed by Health Sherpa.
Hello all,

We apologize for the delay in posting. We were caught off guard by yet another unprecedented wave of demand - we've received and submitted in excess of 40,000 policies from 3,000 FFM certified agents during the first week. We are watching this thread very closely, and will be deploying enhancements and fixes throughout the upcoming weeks.

I did want to give some quick updates on what we've released in the last few days:

1) Overhauled data to match on benefits. We also audited availability on a per zip/county level and added/removed several carriers.
2) Updated plan detail displays to match your preferences when you are logged in.
3) Updated quoter for accuracy (3 dependent under 21 cap, etc.)
4) Added a Save and Resume feature throughout the entire process. Saved quotes / enrollments go into your leads page, and can be resumed from there.

Besides general fixes / reliability improvements, we have several enhancements coming out soon to improve the quoting, shopping and renewal process. if you have an app specific inquiry you can reach out to us at [email protected]. For general issues, please continue to post on the forum, so that we can update everyone at the same time - my colleagues Cat and Gerry will be posting as well.

We remain committed to the agent community and providing a high level of service.


p.s. I did want to answer a few quick questions that came up earlier:

1) For ESI, if the wife is eligible but the husband is not, the spouse's portion of the premium is not subsidy-eligible. This is reflected in the quoter, and will be handled soon in the enrollment flow.

2) A small percentage of apps are receiving net premium differences - we are implementing a data sync process now to reduce these substantially.

3) The income change in the filler is due to rounding - our federal backend integration does not accept cents, so we are forced to round on submission, on a per person basis. We will put in a safeguard for folks near the Medicaid / CHIP boundaries going forward.

I have an application that was submitted on 11/5/15 on HS and is still just sitting there. I sent an email back on 11/12/15 and I still haven't received an email or call back. email was sent from [email protected]
I don't have an answer for you. But the one that I just saw that shows George as the agent of record I went into and removed the app. It was messed up anyway as it didn't include the adult children so we have to redo it. Might just go direct to and do it. HS is having all kinds of problems.

Well I finally heard back from Health Sherpa, via email. They are saying I am the agent of record. However, unfortunately, I still see George as 'authorized user agent broker' on the account at Plus, the sale is not showing up in my uhc broker portal yet. Below is the response from health sherpa. I want to believe her, but until I see the sale in my name I am skeptical.

Hi Kenneth,

Thank you for contacting us at HealthSherpa recently. I took a look at the application for XXXXXXXXXX and it appears, as of today, you are the Agent of Record for this consumer. I understood within your voicemail that you were concerned about whether or not you were listed as the AOR. I can ensure you that you are listed as the Agent of Record.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns, and I'll be delighted to help!

Kind regards,

Jacquelyn | Agent- Support
Anyone answer this yet? I thought it was something to do with if the total premium doesnt exceed X% of their income (like around 9ish) they have to sign their spouse up under the group else face revocation of their credit if they signup through the exchange, of course that is if the IRS catches it. I wouldnt want to be broker for the client who gets a something thousand dollar bill at the end of the year from the IRS, somebody will be asking you if you asked theclient whether they were eligible for their spouses group or not.

Any one no the specific answer to the original question though, much appreciated?

Hi, Ning answered this I believe, in post #398

"1) For ESI, if the wife is eligible but the husband is not, the spouse's portion of the premium is not subsidy-eligible. This is reflected in the quoter, and will be handled soon in the enrollment flow."


Good ole George Kalogeropoulos just got one of my enrollments. Must be a pretty good gig when you don't have to do anything to gain clients and commissions.


One way to fix this is to submit a new app, which will override the previous one.

If we were actually submitting agent applications as our own without permission, we shouldn't be in business! That's not what's going on here though.

When this happens, it's generally a matter of human error and we're working on User Interface improvements to help agents keep this from happening. For example, by displaying the NPN used more prominently before the application is submitted.

If you have enabled the feature "Refer Non-Appointed Applications", your appointments need to be set on the Insurers page. Otherwise, our platform has no way of knowing that you're appointed, and will submit the application under HealthSherpa and give you a $75 referral fee for it. If used correctly, this feature is a big advantage of using HealthSherpa. It helps agents gain from every application, even if not appointed.

==== This is the language in the "Refer Non-Appointed Applications" Feature:

"Refer Non-Appointed Applications

When you submit an app with a carrier where you don't have an appointment, refer to HealthSherpa instead for a $75.00 credit. You must set your appointments on the Insurers page."

use a WBE thats not also an agent

As pointed out above this quote, this is an advantage for agents. Just need to make good use of the Refer Non-Appointed Applications feature, and we're working on making this easier for agents to track.

- Gerry from HealthSherpa
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A few additional responses below:

- Let us know the app without adult children in question via DM? Our enrollment flow doesn't have any logic that prevents adult dependents from being on the plan.
- Once you've accessed the app in the federal site, you are an authorized user.

- For non applying household members, you can quote without them. On the enrollment flow, you may need to add them if applying for subsidy. If so, make sure to answer "No" to whether the person is applying for coverage.

- Apologies for the delay on that app - it should be enrolled now.

Hi, Ning answered this I believe, in post #398 "1) For ESI, if the wife is eligible but the husband is not, the spouse's portion of the premium is not subsidy-eligible. This is reflected in the quoter, and will be handled soon in the enrollment flow." ---------- Hi, One way to fix this is to submit a new app, which will override the previous one. If we were actually submitting agent applications as our own without permission, we shouldn't be in business! That's not what's going on here though. When this happens, it's generally a matter of human error and we're working on User Interface improvements to help agents keep this from happening. For example, by displaying the NPN used more prominently before the application is submitted. If you have enabled the feature "Refer Non-Appointed Applications", your appointments need to be set on the Insurers page. Otherwise, our platform has no way of knowing that you're appointed, and will submit the application under HealthSherpa and give you a $75 referral fee for it. If used correctly, this feature is a big advantage of using HealthSherpa. It helps agents gain from every application, even if not appointed. ==== This is the language in the "Refer Non-Appointed Applications" Feature: "Refer Non-Appointed Applications When you submit an app with a carrier where you don't have an appointment, refer to HealthSherpa instead for a $75.00 credit. You must set your appointments on the Insurers page." As pointed out above this quote, this is an advantage for agents. Just need to make good use of the Refer Non-Appointed Applications feature, and we're working on making this easier for agents to track. - Gerry from HealthSherpa

Considering that the person enrolled via the email sent from within my dashboard (and yes, I was logged in when I had the email sent) shouldn't I be the agent of record and not George?

And yes, I am appointed with the carrier.

Lastly, why should we have to submit a second application when it's an error on your end? Additional busy work is not what we need right now. Obviously others have had the same issue. I'm not so naive as to not understand mistakes happen. But your answer shouldn't be for the agent to submit another application. It should be an apology and that you will get it resolved.

Unfortunately "You Got Money" may be right. The answer is to use a WBE who isn't an FMO as well. That way we don't have to worry about conflicts of interest and where the WBE's loyalty lies.


A few additional responses below: @sman - Let us know the app without adult children in question via DM? Our enrollment flow doesn't have any logic that prevents adult dependents from being on the plan. - Once you've accessed the app in the federal site, you are an authorized user. @yankee466 - For non applying household members, you can quote without them. On the enrollment flow, you may need to add them if applying for subsidy. If so, make sure to answer "No" to whether the person is applying for coverage. @chazm - Apologies for the delay on that app - it should be enrolled now. Thanks! Ning

What's the point of emailing Ning? I emailed HS about something 11 days ago and still haven't gotten a reply.
1.) Health Sherpa quote results are still showing the FAMILY deductible and FAMILY out-of-pocket.

2.) Save a quote and retrieve it. The retrieved format is totally different. The tabs for looking up Doctors, Prescriptions & Benefits are simply gone from each plan.

I can't believe Health Sherpa would start unraveling like this. These are issues that were sooo preventable!