Health Sherpa 2016 Open Enrollment

This is a very helpful forum- for a newbie to this site I appreciate the advice and suggestions!

Regarding Sherpa- Since one of my sales was put into George's name because I failed to check a box for one of my carriers in a non-resident state (and now losing a $900 commission thank you), I've been told to just withdraw it and resubmit a new application to get credit. First, this is a major inconvenience for my client, who struggled with getting done the first enrollment. Second, I was told by the carrier, UHC, that resubmitting a new application won't work because they will have the AOR tied to the client, not the application, for 1 year regardless.

Does anyone know if what UHC is telling me is accurate? I would hate to go through the hassle of withdrawing and re-enrolling the client only for it to be credited to George again anyway.

The other thing I've been told is if I conference in the client and call the marketplace that the marketplace can change the AOR with the client's permission. Is this true? This would be my preferred method, but again, I don't want to do this unless I know it will work.

I really appreciate your help.
You're just special in Illinois, Allen!

Texas still gets to endure FAMILY deductibles & MOOP's.

Simple (agent) side = FAMILY figures for more-than-2-family members
Consumer side = FAMILY deductible for more-than-2 family members

Run-a-Quote for 1 person = Individual Ded & MOOP
Run-a-Quote for 2 in family = Individual Ded & MOOP.....Thank goodness!!!
Run-a-Quote for 3 in family = FAMILY Ded & MOOP

You are really Astute and smart, TxOnline. I assumed that it had been fixed because the quote I ran was for 2 people..not three! Where's the Egg-on-Face emoji? Help CAT.


Hi AllenChicago,

The fix has been made re: Save and Exit! You should be able to access the plan list from comparisons page, if you happened to save the lead on that page.

Great catch, and please continue to push through these requests!


Thank-you for getting this issue fixed so quickly CAT. If you look at the post from TxOnline, it seems that the Family Deductible is still being displayed where the family contains 3 or more members. Please escalate to Eng. TIA. -ac
Sman, I understand that you're frustrated. We accept responsibility in that it's on us to make the user interface improvements that will reduce this human error. However, I'm trying to be upfront that to avoid it from happening again in the future, we need your cooperation as well. We've given you a tool and it's on us to make it easy to use, and help you make sure you don't end up hurting yourself with it.

Namely, we have a "Refer Non-Appointed Applications" feature that lets you refer apps to HealthSherpa with carriers you're not appointed for, and still get a $75 credit for those. This way, you can gain from any application. However, if the feature is turned on, it becomes extra important for your appointments to be selected.

If the feature were turned off, all applications would be submitted under your NPN by default, always. This would be just like working with a WBE that's not an agent.

When it's turned on though, the platform relies on your input to determine whether to submit under your NPN, or give you a referral instead.

As far as resubmitting an app - I'm not being dismissive of your concerns here. I understand it's creating extra work and nobody wants that. However, it's at least an option to make sure that you still get credited with your enrollments.

-Gerry from HealthSherpa

Why do you keep talking about the referral for non-appointed when this situation has nothing to do with that? In two replies to my situation you've brought this up as if it's a fix to my situation. It isn't.
This is a very helpful forum- for a newbie to this site I appreciate the advice and suggestions!

Regarding Sherpa- Since one of my sales was put into George's name because I failed to check a box for one of my carriers in a non-resident state (and now losing a $900 commission thank you), I've been told to just withdraw it and resubmit a new application to get credit. First, this is a major inconvenience for my client, who struggled with getting done the first enrollment. Second, I was told by the carrier, UHC, that resubmitting a new application won't work because they will have the AOR tied to the client, not the application, for 1 year regardless.

Does anyone know if what UHC is telling me is accurate? I would hate to go through the hassle of withdrawing and re-enrolling the client only for it to be credited to George again anyway.

The other thing I've been told is if I conference in the client and call the marketplace that the marketplace can change the AOR with the client's permission. Is this true? This would be my preferred method, but again, I don't want to do this unless I know it will work.

I really appreciate your help.

Hi WiscBroker

Hopefully others can chime in here as well.

Regarding the conference with the marketplace, we've gotten multiple reports from agents who have been assured by reps that their NPN was added only to find that nothing was passed along to the carrier. This does not seem like a reliable method of adding the NPN.

The claim about United sounds wrong. The carrier is required to accept the newest application from the Marketplace, that should include the new 834 form with the new AOR information.

- Gerry from HealthSherpa
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Hi WiscBroker

Hopefully others can chime in here as well.

Regarding the conference with the marketplace, we've gotten multiple reports from agents who have been assured by reps that their NPN was added only to find that nothing was passed along to the carrier. This does not seem like a reliable method of adding the NPN.

The claim about United sounds wrong. The carrier is required to accept the newest application from the Marketplace, that should include the new 834 form with the new AOR information.

Thank you for this information. Now maybe I can talk my client into a new carrier altogether and avoid the new lower uhc commission as well.

Anyone have any recommendations for Kansas??- it can be off-exchange as the client is not getting a subsidy.
Why do you keep talking about the referral for non-appointed when this situation has nothing to do with that? In two replies to my situation you've brought this up as if it's a fix to my situation. It isn't.

Sorry, wasn't clear to me after my first reply if you had been able to read through that part. It's almost always the explanation for app NPN association issues.

Since we might be dealing with something different here, let me follow up with you in PM and we'll get to the bottom of it.

WiscBroker, unless things at UHC are different from Golden Rule, they do not recognize AOR changes until the policy has been in effect 12 months.

I realize this policy is not in effect yet, and this is UHC, not GR but just figured I would toss this out in case you lose or try to take over another UHC account in the first year.
Hi AllenChicago,

The fix has been made re: Save and Exit! You should be able to access the plan list from comparisons page, if you happened to save the lead on that page.

Great catch, and please continue to push through these requests!


Hey CAT,

Here's something I mentioned 2 days ago, before you started monitoring this thread. Regarding the "Save and Exit"...

When Re-opening a quote that's been saved, it opens to the format that plagued Health Sherpa on 11/1/2015. That is:

A.) The Benefits/Medications/Providers tabs are missing.

B.) The Pre-Subsidy/APTC premium is not showing in smaller print under the Post-Subsidy/APTC premium for each plan.

C.) Upon returning back from the "quote comparison" page to the plan choices page, the client details are collapsed. You must click on "Edit My Details" to reveal them again for viewing and editing.

It's very strange how that original code resurfaces... Tell Eng to "wipe" the sector where that image is stored. That may allow the current/improved version to take its place. Thanks for hanging in there for us CAT!
Hi AllenChicago,

Again - fantastic catches! I'll have Eng address these fixes as soon as they are in! You are correct. The view you should have should be the improved list view for agents. Will ping you here as soon as that is pushed live!

Hi AllenChicago,

Again - fantastic catches! I'll have Eng address these fixes as soon as they are in! You are correct. The view you should have should be the improved list view for agents. Will ping you here as soon as that is pushed live!


By all means CAT, ping this thread when Eng has the interface brought current. Thanks again for ringing in.

Happiness 2 u,