Health Sherpa 2016 Open Enrollment

My emails are get a reply is a day or so.

That's great for you. But I have yet to hear back from the one I sent 11 days ago. Emailed another this morning. We'll see if get a reply on that one.

Gordon, you may want to refrain from posting while drinking. That way you can avoid the type of sentence you posted above.
A few additional responses below:

- Let us know the app without adult children in question via DM? Our enrollment flow doesn't have any logic that prevents adult dependents from being on the plan.
- Once you've accessed the app in the federal site, you are an authorized user.

- For non applying household members, you can quote without them. On the enrollment flow, you may need to add them if applying for subsidy. If so, make sure to answer "No" to whether the person is applying for coverage.

- Apologies for the delay on that app - it should be enrolled now.



Thank you for responding....

.after more playing......maybe I just now understood your post......list the only person looking for coverage....and then select household size of 2? Guess I did not understand the flow of your I';ll retract my original question.
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Thank you for responding....

.after more playing......maybe I just now understood your post......list the only person looking for coverage....and then select household size of 2? Guess I did not understand the flow of your I';ll retract my original question.

You are now on-track, Yankee!
That's how it works!


1.) Health Sherpa quote results are still showing the FAMILY deductible and FAMILY out-of-pocket.

2.) Save a quote and retrieve it. The retrieved format is totally different. The tabs for looking up Doctors, Prescriptions & Benefits are simply gone from each plan.

I can't believe Health Sherpa would start unraveling like this. These are issues that were sooo preventable!

We got an email message from Sherpa within the past 10 days, Allen.
It said that the Engineering Dept had recently released a fix to make sure that ONLY per-PERSON deductibles appeared on the 1st quote screen.
Then, when you click on "More Details", you'd get per-FAMILY deductibles, too.

That's how it SHOULD be working (by now).
But, as you know, it's NOT.

These per-FAMILY deductibles (on 1st screen) are driving us all CRAZY!
Most customers don't understand WHAT a Family-Deductible even IS. They never heard of such an animal before the government took over this industry.

Only HSA customers understand it...because they bought One-Combined-Family-Deductible Plans for HSA's....(which is now illegal with ACA plans).

The Per-FAMILY-Max-Out-of-Pocket-Exposure-for-Deductibles was NEVER even called a "Deductible" (before the government decided to show it in THEIR deductible column).
Now, Sherpa is trying to copy the government's ignorant mistakes....just confusing customers....and running them OFF with the perception that deductibles are SO high!....(when they are NOT).
Considering that the person enrolled via the email sent from within my dashboard (and yes, I was logged in when I had the email sent) shouldn't I be the agent of record and not George?

And yes, I am appointed with the carrier.

Lastly, why should we have to submit a second application when it's an error on your end? Additional busy work is not what we need right now. Obviously others have had the same issue. I'm not so naive as to not understand mistakes happen. But your answer shouldn't be for the agent to submit another application. It should be an apology and that you will get it resolved.

Unfortunately "You Got Money" may be right. The answer is to use a WBE who isn't an FMO as well. That way we don't have to worry about conflicts of interest and where the WBE's loyalty lies.

Sman, I understand that you're frustrated. We accept responsibility in that it's on us to make the user interface improvements that will reduce this human error. However, I'm trying to be upfront that to avoid it from happening again in the future, we need your cooperation as well. We've given you a tool and it's on us to make it easy to use, and help you make sure you don't end up hurting yourself with it.

Namely, we have a "Refer Non-Appointed Applications" feature that lets you refer apps to HealthSherpa with carriers you're not appointed for, and still get a $75 credit for those. This way, you can gain from any application. However, if the feature is turned on, it becomes extra important for your appointments to be selected.

If the feature were turned off, all applications would be submitted under your NPN by default, always. This would be just like working with a WBE that's not an agent.

When it's turned on though, the platform relies on your input to determine whether to submit under your NPN, or give you a referral instead.

As far as resubmitting an app - I'm not being dismissive of your concerns here. I understand it's creating extra work and nobody wants that. However, it's at least an option to make sure that you still get credited with your enrollments.

-Gerry from HealthSherpa
It's a BIG RELIEF to see that the Per-Person deducible is now showing again on the Simple quote engine. Thanks!

Next, please fix the "Save and Exit" feature so that it always goes back to the list of plans/premiums, or at least allows us to navigate back to that page. If I Save and Exit after sending a link from the Plan Comparison page, the next time I want to view that client, the Plan Comparison page opens..and I can't get back to the page showing the age/income/plans, etc..
Hello AllenChicago,

I just reproduced the scenario you are speaking of in regards to Save & Exit. You are correct in stating the proper behavior should allow you to navigate back to the plan list as well. This is in implementation error and I'm surfacing to Eng right now!

Hello AllenChicago,

I just reproduced the scenario you are speaking of in regards to Save & Exit. You are correct in stating the proper behavior should allow you to navigate back to the plan list as well. This is in implementation error and I'm surfacing to Eng right now!


Awesome Cat. Welcome back! Good luck to Eng.
It's a BIG RELIEF to see that the Per-Person deducible is now showing again on the Simple quote engine. Thanks!


You're just special in Illinois, Allen!

Texas still gets to endure FAMILY deductibles & MOOP's.

Simple (agent) side = FAMILY figures for more-than-2-family members
Consumer side = FAMILY deductible for more-than-2 family members

Run-a-Quote for 1 person = Individual Ded & MOOP
Run-a-Quote for 2 in family = Individual Ded & MOOP.....Thank goodness!!!
Run-a-Quote for 3 in family = FAMILY Ded & MOOP
Hi AllenChicago,

The fix has been made re: Save and Exit! You should be able to access the plan list from comparisons page, if you happened to save the lead on that page.

Great catch, and please continue to push through these requests!
