HEALTH SHERPA, Renewing Coverage

Why would I update the 2015 app?

So, I ACCESS through the ACCESS button, find the 2016 app... do nothing... just return to enrollment site?

Ok, so I return to enrollment site... what now. There is nothing indicating a new enrollment process is ready to take place for this client.

I had exactly the same problem and once it's redirected to HS you can't choose any new plan.
Basically: access, found plan through new app, went through the info getting a new eligibility, at the end I'm taken back to the enrollment web sit (HS) and the only way to change a plan is call the Marketplace. Am I missing something?
I just re-enroll HealthSherpa 2015 clients into HealthSherpa again, as 2016 enrollees this time. Are you guys trying to do a special type of 2015-to-2016 renewal, or plan change?
I just re-enroll HealthSherpa 2015 clients into HealthSherpa again, as 2016 enrollees this time. Are you guys trying to do a special type of 2015-to-2016 renewal, or plan change?

I suppose with the 5min it's better to just re-enroll the client, but my issue and it looks like others have it is when you just update information and want to change the plan.
Any ideas?
I have just been submitting a new app. I will fix the issues after the fact (if there are any). I did check a client I did earlier in AEP. She had 3 applications on the exchange. Two have no plans selected and one is the new enrollment app I did thru HS. Guess those other 2 will disappear after AEP (hoping).
So I think everyone is agreeing that double redirect worked well for us(brokers) because we can update old app if it's a renewal(without creating new app on but original 5 min app works better when you send the link to the client cause it's not causing any confusion. Right?
powjunky - when you use the 5 minute process, we always treat the app as potentially a renewal, and do the right thing on the backend (i.e. renew from an existing marketplace app if it exists).
powjunky - when you use the 5 minute process, we always treat the app as potentially a renewal, and do the right thing on the backend (i.e. renew from an existing marketplace app if it exists).

Good to know! You are a true professional - we appreciate your attention to detail!
powjunky - when you use the 5 minute process, we always treat the app as potentially a renewal, and do the right thing on the backend (i.e. renew from an existing marketplace app if it exists).

it would create way less anxiety for brokers if simple facts like this one would be known to us. I know you guys can email :)