HEALTH SHERPA, Renewing Coverage

:D I'm a happy camper and slinging apps through one after another. Time saver for sure, don't know how much you'll miss something until it is gone... or useless.

How do you look up current app and adjust income or pick a new plan, the last thing I want is 2 apps out there
"Second, if the consumer had coverage through an FFM for plan year 2015 and a plan year 2016 application is not found by selecting "Look Up Application," then the agent or broker should go back to the main agent/broker landing page and select "Start Application" to search for the consumer's existing 2015 application to start a pre-populated 2016 application."

I don't see where it lets me do something with the 2015 info to prepopulate a 2016. I went in and it only says I can start new or look up old. Once I look up old, then it's doing a redo of 2015 with 2015 subsidy level.

As late last night, when I could get on the system.
Dear subscribers,
Please shed some light on how to re-enroll (ACA) customers for 2018 who have been processed from other sites other than HealthSherpa.
I enrolled everybody with the Florida Blue agent site and it's a pain. Considering the 45 days constraint, I'm going back to "re-enroll/update" my clients through HS. My problem is regarding how it is done in order to square things off.
Please advise.

Dear subscribers,
Please shed some light on how to re-enroll (ACA) customers for 2018 who have been processed from other sites other than HealthSherpa.
I enrolled everybody with the Florida Blue agent site and it's a pain. Considering the 45 days constraint, I'm going back to "re-enroll/update" my clients through HS. My problem is regarding how it is done in order to square things off.
Please advise.


Start typing. There is no easy way to do it.

I have funded Ning's vacations since day 1. Best money I've spent in this business. EVERYONE is on the Exchange (except the idiots who want an Off-Ex plan. I think I have 3 of those). EVERYONE is at Sherp. I have 1 place to go to for every client and can dump into an Excel file with one click.
I to love the guys, but Florida Blue scared us saying that they are not responsible for apps processed out of their web page. Sounds great, but for me, merging my clients to Sherpa would take an eternity.