Health Sherpa

Thanks, guys. Sorry about the apps that took a while - we had some edge cases we didn't handle well in our form during the first few days (~5% of cases). We've since overhauled the form to handle those cases, so our completion rate is close to 100%. Per the other thread, we're hiring more support reps and have ticket tracking in place to ensure that we handle all issues.
Ning, still need you to handle about 3 of mine... you promised you would take care of them today... still nothing... i didn't want to bring this out in the open... but i must have those cases active before end of day tomorrow
How come we can submit a application for 2015 when we log in through the Access button ( back door) but we can not make a plan selection ?
The web based entity integration requires plan selection, cancellation, and changing to be done via the federal data hub API. We will have the latter two up soon so that you guys can do those with few clicks. We will also have some new features up for tracking followups, uploading docs, etc. soon.
Can someone please help me. I was testing to submit my client app through health Sherpa, there was no where for me to add my agent info in. I didn't realize that until after I submit the application and get to confirmation page. My question is, is there any way I can add my info in as agent of record or cancel the app? I did it last night, have check the email but still haven't receive any email from health Sherpa yet. Thank you in advance
You have to be logged in, then you are the AOR by default.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I didn't noticed that until after i submitted the application. I signed up right after i get the submittion confirmation page from the application. So is there anyway I can remove the application to redo it to get credit for the app??