Healthcare Bill Exemption


New Member
In March of this year, President Barak Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, officially known as H.R. 3590, or Healthcare Reform. Part of this law will require that by 2014, most Americans must purchase government regulated health insurance. In fact, Section 1501 of the act adds a new chapter to the IRS code that mandates all "applicable" individuals to either obtain health insurance that meets the bill's "minimum essential coverage" standards. If they do not, they will be required to pay a penalty.
I do not get why you feel that this is not relevant. This is absolutely relevant and it is part of the new healthcare bill. It was even funny to see in the last two days how so many people knew nothing about this exemption. I can't see why it's looked at as nonsense.
Its nonsense because you are pitching a Christian charity as true insurance. Jesus would be ashamed of you brother. Stop misrepresenting this B.S.
You are absolutely right it is not insurance but it is an insurance alternative. Health Care is the issue, knowing what options there are is very important and bringing that information to everyone is all of our duty..
After investigating and finding out about this alternative to traditional insurance I must say Iwas quite impressed. Through the years there have been many that have tried too do the so called Christian sharing alternative, but very few succeeded. It even turned out that some were just downright croaked. The articles that we are writing about are about three top 3 sharing ministries in the industry that have been around for little over 20 years with an extremely high success rate.
I am not to be the judge but only the messenger, when it comes to the sharing ministries. These ministries do discriminate but that's because they're allowed to. They will not pay for things like abortions which is what 98% of the insurance industry will pay for. And after looking at one article I see that one of the top three has paid 100% of all medical claims that have been eligible in its 17 year history. That is quite impressive when compared to traditional insurance.
This particular forum is about healthcare reform and this thread is right on topic. This conversation is not to offend but clearly educate. And all is welcome to comment if they so desire
I too have noticed these programs say they are exempt from question is this Carriers are required to cover preventaive care, before deductible and these sharing programs do not Also they are not guarenteed issue. Is it true these sharing ministries have an exemption?
There is a religous exemption in Obamacare. As I understand it, you can simply join the 'Church of I Refuse Obamacare' and get the exemption. You do not need to sign up on another plan.

It will be interesting to see if these ministries maintain an exemption from the government requirements. It's sort of like the mini-meds, which are what caused a lot of the clamor for reform, but are now excluded from the removal of lifetime limits, at least for the moment. Why? Well, when someone pointed out that the reason mini-meds are affordable is because of the limits and without them, they will be expensive and everyone that has one will drop it, somebody saw the error of the way.

100% of all eligible medical claims paid???? I would hope so! I think you'll find this is true of every insurance carrier. The issue is whether or not it is eligible. Once it is eligible, it gets paid. That's a 'kool-aid' statement, not a compelling fact statement.

"They will not pay for things like abortions which is what 98% of the insurance industry will pay for."


Ask the students of North Carolina's universities exactly what it costs to include abortion coverage in a group plan. Just political window dressing.
This was a nice and concise info sheet on insurance options for consumers - kind of a nice guideline to remember what to offer our clients! Or maybe put in a fyi report. I'm a newbie so I found it informative.:yes: