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Everyone is so negative about starting out part time on here. If you have realistic goals set and don't think you're going to make 10k next week than why couldn't you.
Everyone always says you cant, to them I say watch me. Bob Parsons comes to mind at the moment because I just watched a video of his which said: Work on your career full time and your fortune part time as long as you have to.
I think you will find Life insurance to be the easiest way to do this part time, not AFLAC (unless you want to lose all your friends) partner up with a good GA in your town who can run appointments with you or has a good agent to send with you to learn. Insta-credibility and still make some extra money learning. Feel free to email me with where you live and I'll give you some names if I know anyone in your part of the country.
Everyone always says you cant, to them I say watch me. Bob Parsons comes to mind at the moment because I just watched a video of his which said: Work on your career full time and your fortune part time as long as you have to.
I think you will find Life insurance to be the easiest way to do this part time, not AFLAC (unless you want to lose all your friends) partner up with a good GA in your town who can run appointments with you or has a good agent to send with you to learn. Insta-credibility and still make some extra money learning. Feel free to email me with where you live and I'll give you some names if I know anyone in your part of the country.