- 1,161
My questions exactly. What a mess . . . .you would think they could simply bang the SSN up against the account & auto dis-enroll the previous plan in the same way that they do that with the Medicare number for part D. I'm amazed that they didn't include this type of feature. I've seen no written guidance on any of this . . .
Just got this from Kenny at ACA Express:
On 11/20 CMS sent out an email to agents/brokers that stated "If an application submitted via Direct Enrollment last year is not touched by you this year, the auto re-enrolled application may not contain your NPN; thus, this NPN may not be included in the enrollment transaction sent to the issuer." On Tuesday's Issuer Enrollment Policy call an issuer reported that on many of its BAR (batch auto renewal) Wave 1 transactions did not have NPN/agent information included. Some members of AWHIB raised this issue with CMS on Tuesday's Issuer Technical Workgroup Call. Andrew Rumin confirmed that due to how the FFM is architected, applications submitted through the Batch Auto Renewal Wave 1 (which is about 80% of all auto reenrollments) will have NPNs stripped from it.