How Is Your AEP going?

I have about 37 in so far and more due. Considering this is my second AEP and it's all Internet leads from lockins and new leads and all from home by phone, email and fax.

It's a different approach but it works for me for now.
I've done 92 so far, all existing clients and referrals. Whats killing me is over 50 have been PDP re-writes. I had almost 200 Humana PDP clients and Humana plans stink here in PA for 2009. I've done most of the PDPs by mail but it still takes time doing the research, reviewing with the client and then processing the paperwork.

I too used to like this business, but not any more. It is ridiculous to have to work this hard to re-earn your renewal commission in such a short time period. I don't mind servicing my clients but let me do it throughout the year when I can give them the time they deserve.
I would rather step in dogsh*t than write 50 PDP's. ;)

That is a lot of work, and to explain the price and price increase Humana had for 2009 on PDP's... I switched all my Humana stand alone PDP's to another company in most cases. I'm so happy I have not written a lot of drug plans in the past I have had to deal with this year.
I've done 92 so far, all existing clients and referrals. Whats killing me is over 50 have been PDP re-writes. I had almost 200 Humana PDP clients and Humana plans stink here in PA for 2009. I've done most of the PDPs by mail but it still takes time doing the research, reviewing with the client and then processing the paperwork.

I too used to like this business, but not any more. It is ridiculous to have to work this hard to re-earn your renewal commission in such a short time period. I don't mind servicing my clients but let me do it throughout the year when I can give them the time they deserve.

I have the same problem with several hundred of PDP clients, many still with Humana, but they run the gamut of carriers. I am to the point now that I almost resent my clients for asking me to review their coverage. I keep telling myself that my clients did nothing wrong, CMS has simply screwed us.

This is likely my last year dealing with this. I'll either leave voluntarily, or more likely CMS will stop even allowing us to help seniors with these plans.

I can no longer earn a living simply by servicing clients and the $20-30 I get for helping a new client doesn't pay for my time.

Since when was selling insurance a "loss leader?"

I only have a few PDP only clients. If I don't write the Med Sup or MA plan, I do my best to not write the PDP. If it will lead to other sales or products or if I get put in a position I have to sell it, but I never solicit PDP only. Like I said, I'd rather step in dogsh*t. ;) For those of you familiar with an old Jerry Jeff Walker song, you know I stole that line...
I have very few PDP only clients. The majority have been med sup clients for years and when Part D came along they turned to me for help. Re-writing them wouldn't be as bad if we could do it on-line while consulting with them via phone. Ten minutes and it's done. Coventry and I guess all carriers say we can enter them online as long as the client is present. That's BS!
of all the obstacles out there, we are now running into the doctors this AEP. offices that are too lazy to re-enter a patients insurance info are telling their clients to stop changing plans and scaring them to the point they dont want to listen. nobody seems to understand how much these plans MA plans change from year to year except the agents. 5 year renewal cycles are wonderful if the plan doesnt kill the benefit next year.

Wilkin- do you write Unison and Bravo in the PA market?
Since Nov 15, I've written 88 apps, 64 PFFS plans, 7 PDP and 16 MedSupps.

I have no clue as to how many PDP's were mailed direct and whether I'll get credit.

Next weekend will end my 2009 Katrena AEP efforts.


It's those changes in latitude... Nothing remains quite the same!
You are kicking butt MedSupPro.

I am not sure how busy I am going to try to be during OEP, but there will be plenty of folks who signed up for the wrong, or at least not the best plan for their area, so there will be opportunities to move them and some of the folks who fell asleep during AEP who are on the wrong plan...and then there will be the staying in contact with the ones I wrote to make sure someone doesn't move them to yet another MA and steal my biz. Thank Gawd PDP opportunities will slow down.