How Many Leads Do You Average a Week? What's Your Average Closing Ratio?

Robert_Brown said:
It's not worth arguing about. We're adults here. At least one of us can act like it.

I joined this forum because it has tons of helpful information. But if you're not interested in being helpful, and instead more interested in proving a "newbie" wrong, or being rude because you can, then I have no interest in you.

I should have known this topic was going to create some heat. Which is NOT my intention.:swoon:

Dan, thanks. That makes sense. I will be using a dialer, most likely And I will be buying leads from

I will also get 3-5 referrals from each prospect I meet with, sale or no sale.

And what's your magical strategy here? I hope to Buddha you were kidding.
It's not worth arguing about. We're adults here. At least one of us can act like it.

I joined this forum because it has tons of helpful information. But if you're not interested in being helpful, and instead more interested in proving a "newbie" wrong, or being rude because you can, then I have no interest in you.

I should have known this topic was going to create some heat. Which is NOT my intention.:swoon:

Dan, thanks. That makes sense. I will be using a dialer, most likely And I will be buying leads from

I will also get 3-5 referrals from each prospect I meet with, sale or no sale.

OMG, I fell out of my chair laughing.....:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

The ADULTS here are giving you valuable info, that YOU want to argue with like a child.....

not many people will give you referrals from the start, why would they? You havent PROVEN anything to them, I dont give referrals out UNTIL they prove themselves to me.

When I prove myself to the client, they will send me referrals, AFTER I have done what I said I will do....

You have drunk about a 55 gallon drum full of the Aflac Kool- aid already, there is no hope for you..........:goofy:
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"I will also get 3-5 referrals from each prospect I meet with, sale or no sale."

That's impressive. I never asked for a referral in 31 years in the business. I'm not proud of it but I could never bring myself to do it.

I, also, do not ask for referrals. I usually receive 2-4 per month from happy clients and close nearly 100% of the referrals I do receive.
Dan, thanks. That makes sense. I will be using a dialer, most likely And I will be buying leads from

I will also get 3-5 referrals from each prospect I meet with, sale or no sale.

To be honest, if people provide referrals, that is great, but understand that this type of referral, on the referral ladder, is pretty much bottom rung. Not all referrals are the same, not even close.

Let me explain.....

If I ask my prospect for referrals, they may or may not want to provide any. Usually not. If I push, they might, but they don't want to have a pushy salesman call their best friends (unless I've done well for them), so they provide names and numbers, but they are pretty much cold calls with a reference point.

A real referral is actually an introduction. For instance, in my P&C business, a new home buyer, working with the mortgage broker to get their loan, will be given my information and told that I will call them to go over their insurance needs. Now, I have someone who I'm being referred to, by a solid center of influence to the person, who has a need for what I provide, and is prequalified to buy it.

So, bottom line, in my mind, the prospect provides leads, something to be nurtured, not referrals, something that needs immediate attention and will close today (okay, this month). Both are good, but the closing ratios on this is hugely different. I close 80% of the referrals I get from mortgage brokers (some don't buy the house, some have a relative, etc). I close probably less than 15% of the referrals I get from prospects. Okay, I haven't tracked this in a while, but I know its pretty low. They do close over time, just not within the first month or 2 usually.

A real referral is actually an introduction. For instance, in my P&C business, a new home buyer, working with the mortgage broker to get their loan, will be given my information and told that I will call them to go over their insurance needs. Now, I have someone who I'm being referred to, by a solid center of influence to the person, who has a need for what I provide, and is prequalified to buy it.

That's a great idea. I live right down the street from my neighborhood sales office. I live in an upscale neighborhood on the golf course, so I know that most people living or going to live in this area could be great prospects.
Yes that is true, and I know that from experience. I've been in sales for 7 years. I just feel that by not asking for referrals, you're missing a lot of opportunity.

I think that if you gave your client an extraordinary experience, you should feel comfortable asking for referrals, and they should feel that you deserve it.
Yes that is true, and I know that from experience. I've been in sales for 7 years. I just feel that by not asking for referrals, you're missing a lot of opportunity.

I think that if you gave your client an extraordinary experience, you should feel comfortable asking for referrals, and they should feel that you deserve it.

Robert, how many times have you written down your best friend's, Father's, Uncle's and neighbor's name, address and phone number and given that to a guy you just bought something from?

My answer to that question is zero. My name has been given out and I was pissed. Well, mostly annoyed.
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