How Many Quote Requests Did Your Website Receive in 2012?

Yes, hosting a website you designed should be maybe $5 a month, if that. There is probably a bit more to it, but it simply doesn't take much to host a static website.

Don't downplay the need for a decent website. It does your business wonders. Its a good place to refer people to, especially on your business card. Just don't count on it (for P&C) to drive tons of business to you by itself.

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I have a site I do for an agent on this board, get's about 60-70 leads a month, I did 1-2 months work of work and it's pretty much been on auto pilot since.

Is this for P&C on a local level?
Are these all organic SEO style leads or a mix of other marketing methods?

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Is this for P&C on a local level?
Are these all organic SEO style leads or a mix of other marketing methods?


health, just organic traffic-
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I have no idea what you mean. Are you saying $39/month is too expensive for a website? I've heard of others charging substantially more so I am surprised if that is what you were alluding to.

That depends on what's being included and what you NEED.
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For some reason, health leads are much easier to generate on a website than P&C leads. 60-70 leads a month is still totally awesome, but I'll stick with my statement that its hard to make a living with P&C using organic internet traffic.

In fact, it works so poorly, that esurance, geico, progressive and other P&C internet companies have resorted to many other methods to get noticed. Whether its tv or radio advertising, sponsorships, opening local shops, or whatever, it shows its a hard gig to drive the required volume on organic internet traffic.

Now, I wish I had their problems :)

I'll bite. P&C agent only. (picture but I can't post a link yet)

I started my site in March of 2012 and got my first lead in June. I'm currently averaging 400-450 organic visits / month and converting 150-200 leads / month. I started my website as a side project for my business and now that side project has been averaging me $5000-$6000 in revenue a month for the past 5 months.

Maybe I got lucky but within 6 months of doing all my own SEO I was adding an extra $5k+ a month to my bank roll. Granted I've only been averaging this the past 5 months but when you put into an ROI perspective its insane.

My website cost is $50 / month. I studied and learned as much as I could about SEO and applied everything myself. If you do the math, my total actual dollar cost from March till now is only $450 for the estimated $31k+ I've managed to generate.

Not bad for a 9 month side project but to each, his own....
I'll bite. P&C agent only. (picture but I can't post a link yet)

I started my site in March of 2012 and got my first lead in June. I'm currently averaging 400-450 organic visits / month and converting 150-200 leads / month. I started my website as a side project for my business and now that side project has been averaging me $5000-$6000 in revenue a month for the past 5 months.

Maybe I got lucky but within 6 months of doing all my own SEO I was adding an extra $5k+ a month to my bank roll. Granted I've only been averaging this the past 5 months but when you put into an ROI perspective its insane.

My website cost is $50 / month. I studied and learned as much as I could about SEO and applied everything myself. If you do the math, my total actual dollar cost from March till now is only $450 for the estimated $31k+ I've managed to generate.

Not bad for a 9 month side project but to each, his own....

Congratulations. There was another gentleman on here that requested to have his account deleted that also enjoyed a similar experience. I think you two folks are very much the exception.
Congratulations. There was another gentleman on here that requested to have his account deleted that also enjoyed a similar experience. I think you two folks are very much the exception.

I guess some people can't help but try to spread the wealth. Merry Christmas josh.
....I'm currently averaging 400-450 organic visits / month and converting 150-200 leads / month. I started my website as a side project for my business and now that side project has been averaging me $5000-$6000 in revenue a month for the past 5 months.

Terminology question, when you say 'converting', does that mean to a sale or just to a lead?

You are doing well with visits. I'm not sure what you mean when you say converting, but I assume you mean to a lead. Number is still good (awesome actually).

Now, based on your numbers (monthly revenue), you are selling what appears to be 1 in 10 visitors to your site. Now, I assume this is home and auto policies being written, but maybe not. This type of conversion rates would work in a niche market, but its tough in the open 'preferred' market. If you are pulling it off, I'm very impressed.

Can you confirm that you are selling home and auto on your site?

I'm also curious about the product mix of the sales from your website leads. What percentage is nonstandard auto? I'd like to see your site, though I understand if you don't want to disclose it.

Also, are you in Canada?