How Many Weekly Leads Per Week?

How many leads a week - how do I answer that? Guess my suggestion would be adequate to do 2500 life ins. AP.
Now what is my closing ratio vs appts, what is my appt ratio vs leads? That is why I like old leads. Bad week does'nt cost as much - lol.
I think it went downhill when the recruiters showed up. But all I said was that I loved the smell of recuiting and it hurt the gregger's feelings.

As much rejection as I've had from "Ms. Jones" over the years I can assure you my feelings are unscathed. All I asked was an honest question with no viciousness at all. But it sure does seem that every response that oldJD has to me (and a few others) is kinda like that.
Jd seems to do very well with the system he is working. I don't think there is anything wrong with him telling others on this site that are openly asking for advice.

There are many different ways to skin a cat. Most on this site seem to use mailers, which I do not. The bottomn line is if your happy with what your doing keep doing it. If it isn't working for you don't be afraid to try different things.